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Gaelic's soft, black fur rubbed on her thighs as he deliberately walked at a slower place with Medusa on his back.

His touch ignited her creamy skin and the sights of the magnanimous castle constructed infront of her eyes lit them like frosty ice forming on aqua emerald.

Rays of sun splitted in the seven enchanting colours of the rainbow after bouncing off the silver walls of the citadel. A pathway architected in midst of a water lagoon with pink lotus floating on it let to the castle.

Lilac-gold pillars making the foundation of the humongous structure made Medusa turn her head all the way up, so not to miss the gem embellishments on the royale entryway.

She couldn't help but love the feeling of Gaelic carrying her around the castle on his back giving a tour.

"Wait!" She threw her head back and laughed as he sped up running like wind. She gasped as they approached the farthest part of the citadel skipping all the front wings.

She was everywhere, painted and appearing on every wall, numerous times. Medusa couldn't help but admire how beautifully the painter had carved her, it seemed like the girl in the canvas could step out any moment and speak.

Her lively paintings were in the west wing- Rhysand's personal wing because it was covered will her in her most vulnerable moments.

As the Lycan passed the paintings growling appreciatively, further they grew intimate and much more passionate. Her breasts were much more light-weight in the scrolls just like they previously were but after six months they have grown.

"You are the artist." She whispered climbing down the regal Lycan's back infront of whom she looked tiny, and to him... absolutely delicious.

Gaelic's cyan irises glowed as he watched her breasts bounce as she took the last step down reaching the white marbled ground.

Now that she was watching it from here the paintings were thrice her size, representing her most intimate senarios...one was when Rhysand returned and undressed her by the lake. Her fingers traced the gold frame of the portrait observing the engraving underneath.

(my moon)

Another one of the day she attended the moon festival and he punished her by eating her pussy quite feverishly.

She was drawn illuminated and flushed with her hair splayed back at the pillow like a halo surrounding her head as he ate her out, his hands covering her breasts as his mighty frame covered her lower half.

'κοριτσάκι' was engraved on it.

Snapping of bones broke her from her trance as she felt Rhysand's presence right behind her, breathing life into her soul and igniting her body as her cheeks burned crimson.

"Who else? If there is anybody in the world who deserves you...it's me, I may be a damned bastard for snatching you away, but these..."

His chest pressed against her back making her take a shaky breath. His one hand came to rest on the painting tracing her portrait and another touched, then moving above waist to grasp and weigh her one heavy breast.

"..are mine." Medusa moaned as his lips latched at her neck sucking a spot near to his large indents marked in her flesh.
He kissed around the mark inhaling her essence.

A little prick on her skin made Medusa clench her thighs.

"Rhy" and just like a symphony has been broken, his patience snapped as he sinked his large canines into her skin once more.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she put her head back on his chest, closing her eyes as her fingers moved on its own accord towards her pussy, trying to rub herself through the thick material of the blue gown.

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