Little Snake ll

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Warning: Smut! SMUT!Smut!

Medusa's POV


"Yes now come out princess." He dragged me out of water, his eyes racking my dripping form for any injury, they hardened upon falling on my arm.

"You are bleeding, fuck!" He cradled my wounded palm in his hands, taking me back to my stone circle in which I was hiding.

"It's nothing, I haven't even noticed it, till you pointed it out." I whispered softly as he seated me on a plain grey rock, kneeling down infront of me.

"Ofcourse you hadn't, expecting the rogue princess to take care of herself is just too much to ask." I just listened to his angry voice remaining quiet relishing in the feel of his fingers applying an ointment on my wound.

"Do your soilders carry these medicines for all illnesses or are you too careful yourself?" I couldn't help but make a stupid effort of conversing with him, I missed him so much.

"Don't make efforts to divert my attention Medusa."

He moved away, collecting some fallen stems on the ground lighting a fire closely as he saw my drenched form trembling from cold.

"I was going to search for your residence, see you once and leave immediately, imagine my surprise when I smelt my mate in the lethal woods leading to the werewolf capital." He couldn't help but admonish my deed with his deep voice as his fingers opened my cloak throwing it near the fire.

"I didn't have much choice, my mind says you betrayed me but my has faith in you, I don't want to... but I trust you and I wanted answers."

He resumed his position on his knees, unbuckling my belt. I gasped holding his hand on the waistband.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You are going to freeze with those wet clothes on. Please stand for me Medusa."

I nodded standing up, his face right infront of my stomach as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my pants, taking them off swiftly as I rose my one leg at a time.

His hands came to grasp the lace of my panties making me encircle my arms around his neck, tugging his soft hair.

I moaned when he placed small kisses on my thighs, his thumb rubbing soft circles on my hip.

" a hard word Medi, if a person leaves you behind once, he can do it again. If he kills for you once, he will do it again.

If a Lycan loves you once, he will do it again and again but still...I am not worthy of your trust."

He pushed the lace down my legs, rubbing his warm hands all over my bare legs, a deep lust filled groan fell from his lips when his eyes fell on my pussy eyeing it like a predator as his hands tightened around my hips.

"Such little, pink pussy and it's fucking mine....just mine." He growled lowly as his nose went to sniff my essence watching me straight in eye.

"I-I am cold." I squeaked flustered when in all honestly my body and cheeks felt warm enough to roast nuts.

He stood up to his height, towering over my comparatively small body.
"Let's get you warm then."

He went behind my back, his fingers opening the string knots holding my leather top together.

"I missed you so much babygirl." I whimpered as his lips came upon my neck kissing softly till he reached the place between my neck and shoulder-blade sucking it was surely going to leave a hickey.

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