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The next chapter is epilogue.

The Winds play melodies for ones that are willing to listen, drown and flow with it and completely surrender to its seduction.The upcoming coronation of the new Alpha King and Luna Queen swiped the wereworld with a song of mirth and celebrations.

Rhysand felt the sweet aroma of his mate becoming thicker and juicier as his large paws battled with the earth pushing him continuously forward with lightning speed, making the surroundings of Yarenis blurred.

Today was the day he would take her back to castle, their new home which he had architected himself.

The citadel was near the sea, when radiant view of sun striked the silver walls of the castle it reflected into the water making the clear aqua turn golden. It seemed like amber-gold rose and fell as high waves of sea.

The inside of the fortress had luxuries from all around the mortal realm. Gaelic couldn't wait to surprise his mate.

The waterfall which was once an enigma to him now seemed much more familiar as his huge frame with lush, midnight fur crossed the rocks splattered across the pond...the waterlily pond.

Gaelic couldn't help but growl in content as he remembered it was the same pond which Medusa had talked about so fondly in her letter.

His fur drenched beneath the waterfall as he passed it to discover the hidden cave whose walls were covered in dark mosses. He remembered this view....the perfect canvas of serenity and peace.

It smelled like her....του φεγγάρι.
(his moon)

Her scent hit him with full force making his tongue slip from beyond the sharp canines and loll out trying to grasp the heavenly flavour.

"Lycan!" Gaelic's cyan irises watched the elder practically running towards him, skipping his steps. The Hellhound rolled his eyes in amusement and watched as his long cape dragged behind his small frame... indeed he looked a bit cute...just a bit.

Cracking of bones make Elder Clesmond wince slightly as the humongous Lycan morphed into his human form.

"No no! This is absolutely not happening here. As much as Medusa must appreciate you naked, get dressed before she arrives." The elder covered his eye from one single hand, creating a small gap between his fingers to watch if Rhysand was dressed.

"Arrives? Where is she?"

"Are you dressed yet?"

Rhysand raised an eyebrow not answering making the elder open his eyes a little to find him appropriate...if calling his upper chest naked, all on display with arms folded across, making the ripped muscles bulge was actually appropriate in the elder's dictionary.

The elder eyed his muscular frame very intensely for a minute almost glaring at it, turning around motioning Rhysand to follow him.

"I approve. Those arms are strong. Medusa can date you." It made Rhysand chuckle with amusement.

"She is gone to pluck fresh peach. Now that I am sending her back...take care of my girl good." They entered the hut, the elder crossing the threshold followed by the Lycan.

"You are coming with us."

"Yes I know you are thankful- What?" The elder turned around abruptly, his eyes widening.

"I am living here!."

"I wasn't asking old man."

"I haven't even packed!" The man got red in face, ready to blow up anytime seeing the nonchalant behavior of the Lycan.

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