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"Stand behind me."

My heart was beating rapidly when there were three soft knocks on the iron door, my mind conjuring different scenarios of the royal guards finding us when they became more frantic.

Rhysand extinguished the oil lamps without any dealey making the room ink dark, sliding his shirt on my body he covered himself with a robe.

I couldn't see him but the way he was taking time reflected that he was listening the heartbeats trying to identify the intruder.

He opened the door cautiously only to be greeted with a melodious voice. "Rhysand, they have sensed you, they will be here any minute, you need to hurry."

My inhumane eyesight adjusting to the darkness perfectly made out the silhouette of a girl when Rhysand stepped aside letting her enter and without any questions trusted her.

My emerald pendant glowed softly indicating that we were in grave danger, whatever the woman was trying to convey was stark truth.

Rhysand and I put on our leather cloaks as fast as we can, I quickly snatched my leather purse off the wall stuffing important items in it. As soon as I collected my sword we moved out of the house, practically running as fast and quiet we could.

Neighs of horses could be heard as we rounded a street aiming for woods, the earth trembled slightly and I couldn't even fathom the number of forces coming to attack us in the middle of the night.

The girl running beside us was veiled from head to toe, her movements were graceful and body agile. Her movements seemed like an exotic dance even admist of danger.

Rhysand stopped when we entered the forest grounds, his eyes glowing cyan as the breaking of bones echoed making his body shift into his regal wolf. Gaelic motioned us closer with his snout.

Our arousing thoughts long diminished as the smell of death and devastation engulfed our senses.

I climbed the back of the glorious midnight Lycan who was able to camouflage himself in the onyx night.

The girl followed my trail sitting on his back and a spark of jealousy ignited inside me despite her warning of the oncoming catastrophe saved us.

I ignored my irrelevant feelings, cluching onto the soft fur I tugged making Gaelic take off with the speed of wind.

The cottage the girl had brought us in was a two story building with thick mahogany walls. We stood on the porch watching in distance for any soldiers that may have followed us but fortunately there were none.

Rhysand wrapped himself with a white shrit meant as a cover after shift.

We entered inside to be met with a small yellow couch with pine table in center and brown woven chairs scattered around it.

"Thankyou Celeste." She took off her cloak and I had to do a double take, sapphire eyes glowed with the beauty of moon twinkled in delight on hearing the gratitude coming from Rhysand.

Her pointy ears... Wait, pointy ears? I watched her incredulously from the corner I was standing in, my breath hitching... The nymph.

My lord, she was the nymph from my visions, the same one Rhysand saved and as said by him she was his brother's mate but where was his brother.

"It's my honor." She said and I thanked the heavens that I didn't succumb to the jealousy, the woman was nice and was not trying to flirt my mate at all.

"Who is she?" The girl raised an eyebrow in my direction. She couldn't see my face due to it still being covered. I gently pulled down the hoodie only for her to gasp.

"Hello" I whispered.

She watched me wide eyed without blinking for what seemed like minutes.

"Your grace, your majesty. What can I do for you my Queen? Do you need anything? Have you eaten anything? Are you feeling tired? Can I get you some clothes? Do you want juice-"

"Celeste" Rhysand scolded playfully when she rambled on and on to me. Now I stared at her wide eyed not knowing what to do myself.

Celeste shifted from one foot to another going over to Rhysand, standing on her tip toes she turned slightly to him without removing her eyes from me and continuously smiling.

I didn't knew what to do, I was getting unnerved with her behavior with me but nevertheless she seemed friendly.

"How do you know her? Is she real?" She whispered making him chuckle.

"Okay Celeste this is Medusa my mate and baby this is Celeste my brother's mate."

"Oh Fuck! Did you say this, the freaking goddess, majesty herself is your MATE?" On observing I could see Celeste was glowing in hearing I was mates with Rhysand.

"Yes Celeste Medusa is my mate, whose else can she be?" Rhysand growled quietly at the end making her pout and furrow her eyebrows.

"She is very beautiful, when I saw in vision I couldn't have known she was so magnificent."

" That she is." Rhysand growled proudly making me blush crimson.

I went near them and she bowed down as low as she could.
"Hello Celeste, thankyou so much for warning us, we are indebted to you. Without you we had been in their grasp today."

And just like that all her smile and childeshness disappeared and face morphed into all seriousness and instead of a young nymph I saw a being wise beyond her age.

"Listen to me carefully, Rhysand, you are born to be the Sovereign Monarch of all, the King of the Almighty throne and the throne requires sacrifice.

Be ready to make one when the time comes. You love Medusa but you can't bound her forever, can't save her forever. The evil shall come and when it does you will see why she is called the reaper of souls.

You have to remember Medusa, Rhysand is your protector but the weight of the fate relies on your choice, you are the grace of goddess herself. Listen to your mate, let him guide you but do what your heart says.

And above all beware of Rhysand's mother, Queen Deliah. Sometimes evil is inevitable and other times it's in the shade of beauty."

Sorry for the late update😔😶
My schedule was hectic🤪🤪
Love you all😁😁

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