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Medusa's POV

He left me, my Rhysand left me. I was sitting under the soft glow of moon. The moon who abandoned me.

The woman who gave birth to me treated me like an animal, my young body appeared too fat for her to give me food, the scars from her hits healed physically but mentally it left a deep wound.

The man who protected me once pushed me forward, using me as a killing machine, I was an object for his welfare. A doll who can be used and abused till she was broken to tatters.

The friend whom I trusted all my life didn't think twice before pushing the dagger of betrayal in my heart.

And now my mate, the one to show me the meaning of love threw me out like thrash. I was a rugged toy to be tossed aside after you get bored with it. I was a worthless woman sitting and grieving her birth.

I trembled as the shock travelled through my mind and body. Tears fell without an abandon and I felt it was wrong of me to even show my face to Queen Luna Persephone.

She must have expected a strong girl who would protect the humanity from being eradicating from its roots but me....I was a girl who couldn't protect myself....what could I possibly do for others?

My teary eyes fell on the sharp knife kept beside the rock I was sitting. Would it liberate me from all the pain.... One cut would all it take.

You are my soul Medusa, the one person who holds enough power to sculpt me or shred me to confetti pieces and I always want you to remember that.

Times may seperate us but I am not letting you go..not today, not ever.

Rhysand's voice echoed in my mind, my shivering fingers clutched my head tightly to make them go away.

You worth more than the moon itself Medusa and I want you to remember that.


"Pup, we need to move to town." The man who has pushed me aside for so long looked sympathetically at my face, his fingers which had left my hand once wiped my tears, kissing my forehead.

"Are you going to sell me?" He stiffened, eyes widening and tears shining into his red irises.


"Am I still useful for you or are you going to sell me to a whore-house?" Tears fell from his cherry eyes but I couldn't feel anything, I felt numb, truly and utterly destroyed.

He shook his head in pain"I-I.. you are my little b-baby....my only pup...."

"H-How can I make it better Medi? you are dearest to me Medusa, I wanted that throne for you.....what will I do in this world when you aren't here to enjoy every happiness you deserve. H-how..."

My father fell on his knees infront of me, tears trailing down his face as he pulled my hysteric form closer to him. My crying intensified, sob after sob breaking out from my mouth as I kept hitting his chest repeatedly.

"I h-hate you.....y-you t-threw me away. I can't t-take this anymore k-kill me...kill m-me please."

My father stroked my head as we both cried.

"I am so so sorry, cry it all out my little birdie, I am here."

"W-why m-me d-daddy? Why me?" I wailed, hiding my face in my palms as I completely broke down.

"Where is she?" The royal court of Werewolves was stunned. It's silvery-white walls embellished with pearls looked dull compared to the raging emotions on the face of the Werewolf King-Valium sitting on the High Justice Throne.

The blue, netting embroidery on the ceiling which were circling the paintings parched above, displaying the valor of the royal ancestors did nothing to show the right path to King Valium.


"Dead" the assembly stiffened at that. Rhysand's eyes didn't strayed looking at Valium, pure loathing present in his orbs while the satisfaction of his mate far away from the clutches of his father made his wolf calm.

His heart had shattered, immense pain filling when he imagined her tear streaked face....it had to go and before that king Valium had to be slaughtered. He would never let Valium's dirt touch his babygirl.

"Dead?" The King rose up, with the height of 6'2 he wasn't the tallest of them... neither the strongest. Brown hair covered with streaks of gray adorned his rather boring features.

He looked just like he was.....cruel and unjust ,greed flowing through his body. He stepped down the throne making the generals stand from their respective posts.

"My useless son." Rhysand didn't bothered bowing down like everyone did, his eyes intensified on the person standing infront of him trying to intimidate him.

A sharp slap echoed throughout the court. King Valium had backhanded his elder son Rhysand causing his face to turn aside. He gripped his own child's neck in a death grip, claws digging into his throat.

The wolf and the man present inside Rhysand watched their prey with hawk eyes remaining cautious. Cyan glowed in one orb while the other Iris remained golden, Rhysand's muscles contracted as Valium left his neck hurriedly sensing the supreme presence of his Lycan.

"Have you forgotten you have challenged me once only to be defeated. You are a pathetic mutt, I gave you one single task to bring me the girl and you....you failed"

Rhysand remained quiet, the silver in his veins preventing him from attacking the man infront of him.


"The army of rogues has been reduced to ashes. The girl died fighting for them, it was the day of her weakness, her powers were deceased so she couldn't save herself."

"Pray that the seer says otherwise...or I am going to pull out your nails and rip off your throat."


Seer: ancient priests who can see future and predict death

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