It would be me

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The werewolf council comprised of eight members, the eldest one to exist since the beginning of rule was Lord Clesmond living in the gigantic forests of Yarenis- the dark woods in the depths of the werewolf kingdom.

He had given up the weight of his responsibility to his youngest and dearest son Avalon, walking the path of salvation himself by being a sage.

The oldest house in the capital now belonged to Avalon who lead the elders despite him being younger, a little over 100 years.

The hardwood door creaked under the force of incessant knocking, it wasn't a small humble adobe but instead a full furnished wooden cottage of three storey making it stand out in the near locality.

A small, chubby woman with her hair professionally styled in a neat bun opened the door, her white uniform indicated her status of housemaid.

She was going to shout on the person disrupting her sleep so late at night but her voice died as soon as she registered the man standing infront of her.

Her dark eyes staring at the hot blooded male towering over her widen as she bit her lip, her thighs clenching unconsciously. His clothes were fancy, styled for high aristocrats.

"Yes sire?" She asked shyly looking into his aurum irises trying not to stare at his masculine chest showing as the top buttons were undone.

"Hello! I am extremely apologetic for showing up at this odd hour. I am son of Elder Caso, I am sure you must know that he is unwell so I am here to talk to elder Avalon."

He showed her the seal of the elder on a yellow parchment signed by Elder Caso.

The young woman nodded her head not being able to believe that this handsome man was related to that lecherous man who ogled her breasts ever single time he could instead this man was respectful and nobel.

"Welcome in sire, he is upstairs in his study, you sit down and relax, I will call him down."

"Please." The maid guided him to the comfortable armchair near the burning fireplace build out of black granite providing warmth in the frosty night.
She presented a glass of wine to him.

"It must be hard working and taking care of such a big house alone isn't it?"

"Usually it isn't, the house has three maids and several other workers but currently they are working in castle, a royal wedding is soon going to take place."

"Royal Wedding? I am sorry I have recently returned from Renora." The woman blushed with attention.

"Oh nevermind sire, it's the wedding of the Alpha King and Rogue Princess Medusa."

And just like that the air around the man grew hostile and predatory. His eyes started glowing cerulean with anger burning like hot magma.

"Go and call Avalon and as soon as you do, leave the house immediately." The woman stiffened when her wolf submitted without a question, her legs working on her own, she was given the command of supreme.

It could not be denied. Her wolf was in complete control dominated by the ravishing male- Rhysand.

"S-So I h-have heard p-princess Medusa h-has self surrendered, you should be h-happy p-prince.

Avalon was spluttering anything trying to distract Rhysand from glaring at him continuously.

It unnerved him that his eyes were getting blacker with each passing second. The elder was sweating profusely unable to stop his body from trembling.

"Your mate-"

"She is my mate." And that single sentence spoken through so much wrath and murderous intent brought the world crashing down on Avalon.

He could hear what Rhysand was saying but didn't wanted to comprehend, no his brain refused to accept such thing. A ringing sound erupted in his ears and the absolute terror gripped him like snakes coiling around his throat stopping his breathing.

"Princess Medusa?" As soon as the name escaped Avalon the beast snapped, Rhysand's fingers wrapped around his throat crushing the wind pipe.

"Η Μέδουσα μου"
My Medusa

"από την ημέρα που είδα την ζωγραφική της είναι δική μου, είναι γυναίκα μου."
since the day i saw her painting she is mine, she is my female.

Avalon wheezed hard his face turning purple as his fingers clawed at the hand wrapped around his throat.

Rhysand dropped the man like sack of potatoes who withered on ground like a fish out of water gasping for air, taking fast breaths.

"If there is any man who is gonna marry her, it will be me,

if there is any man who is going to touch her sacred body it will be me,

if there is anyone who is going to fuck her from behind with cum running down her pussy, breeding her, giving her a pup, as she screams for more it would be me."

Gaelic said dangerously quiet, out of the reach of Avalon's ears whose face was red.

"She will never be yours." Such dangerous creatures combined would bring world to their knees.

A blade slashed through the ribs of the Elder with twisting inside his body. Blood poured from the wound as the man groaned in agony when the mighty dagger of Athelia was taken out of his body as he withered in pain. Rhysand gave Avalon the easiest death of all.

"θα σας fuck τόσο σκληρά mate ότι κάθε σας αναπνοή θα έχει το όνομά μου."

i am going to fuck you so hard mate that your each breath will have my name.

Rhysand couldn't care less about the dead body lying at his feet.


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