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Cold pearl droplets of water cascaded down the silver serene strands of Medusa, making it drench in the heavy downpour of the omnipotent sky.

She was long gone to feel the ice cold wind turning her lips blue.

It seemed like the gods were soaking with grief of her fallen mate and thus the skies were crying for the loss of the rogue princess.

The shock made her incapable of questions and thoughts as she sat on the rocky, uneven ground as they dug a grave.

She didn't even uttered a single sentence as hot tears poured down her eyes, blinding her of any faith and hope as two soilders along with Lucien and Zion put the deceased Lycan in the casket.

Her fingers shook as she felt tremendous pain piercing her bones and ripping each pore apart with agony. She combed his hair with her trembling hand trying to preserve him in.

Her breathing laboured as she mewled in pain on remembering how she used to comb them softly and it calmed him down even in any grave situation.

They closed the coffin, lowering it deep into the earth.

If Medusa had not seen hell yet, she was about to.

The woods of Yarenis were adobe to the most vicious of the creatures and beasts.

Huge mammoths roamed the lands marking it with their own scent and gigantic serpents of forest coiled around the green trees preyed on anything unaware of the dangerous lands.

It wasn't about strength here.. just pure survival.

Gaelic wanted to sneer at the black serpent watching him with keen yellow eyes from the tree beside but stopped the second he realized the snake was making a cicle around him and then paved it's way into the depth of forest.

Maybe it was because it wanted to show something... only goddess knows.

Gaelic followed the onyx creature with the speed of strom, the trees becoming a greeny blur as he passed and in no time he found himself in front of a majestic waterfall.

The turquoise, aqua liquid splashed onto the rocks then pooling into the lake ,embarked with stones appearing in middle to help one cross the lagoon.

Ferns and mosses growing on the stone sprouted prismatic and flamboyant flowers welcoming the person capable and regal enough to reach to these depths.

Gaelic growled loudly announcing his arrival to the elder situated near the waterfall. He didn't know exactly where but his senses told him Lord Clesmond wasn't far.

The paws transformed into hands and the wolf completely dispersed leaving behind the body of the man.

Rhysand understood that fate favoured him till now, he was mated with Medusa making snakes protective over him, thus the black serpent guided him here else it would have taken him days to reach to the completely foreign place.

He hoped it would work now too.

His sharp boot moved forward, stepping onto the rocks one by one crossing the crystal clear water inhabited by large orange fishes visible from the surface.

His feet moved ahead taking him directly infront of the water source making heavy echos of hitting the earth.

Rhysand closed his aurum eyes for a second, concentrating on the sounds surrounding him.

As the liquid gold irises opened, they were covered with mist of confusion but nevertheless he moved ahead, now directly under the fall.

The pressure of water trying to crush him soon disappeared as he found himself on the other side of the splendid place decorated with four huts.

"I was expecting you Lycan, just not so soon."

Rhysand turned around to met by an elderly man grasping a straw basket plucking apples from the lower branches of the tree.

"Lord Clesmond." The man was too old to be a warrior, blue eyes shining with wisdom, his face kind and wrinkled.

His frail frame making Rhysand step ahead and take basket from his hand not wanting the old man to carry such heavy weight.

"What made you come so far my prince?" Clesmond plucked one more apple, rubbing it with his handkerchief.

"I have certain questions which need to be answered as soon as possible but how do you know I would come to you?"

Rhysand moved behind the elder, collecting all the ripened fruits which the short man couldn't reach.

"Your destiny has some grave twists and turns my boy, I was expecting you to come when you have experienced them but seeing you it doesn't looks you are devastated or anything....just plain anxious.

That reminds me...How is your mate?"
Rhysand froze for a second on hearing about Medusa but soon his hands resumed the task.

"She has surrendered in the capital-"

"And you let her?" The elder screeched producing a series of coughs from his throat making Rhysand pat his back.

"If only you would listen to me old man. No, she went on her own, she didn't tell me."

Lord Clesmond shook his head sitting down on one of the raised rocks under the apple tree.

"Have a seat."Clesmond sighed.

"Look son, I don't have much time left and I shouldn't be asking this but..what persuaded you for coming here? I mean it wasn't meant to happen like this, you and you mate are altering lines of fate."

Rhysand didn't knew what he meant but still answered his queries.
"Queen Mother Persephone came to me, she told me I had to annihilate certain people and make sure they aren't the first killing me."

"You are talking about the elders...So?" Clesmond raised one white eyebrow.

"It just doesn't makes sense, why would the goddess of whole universe come down to tell me something I already know, I get it that elders are strong but she knows I am built to take over them, her eyes were full of sorrow on looking at me.

It was like......like she knew something bad is going to happen and she couldn't just say it so she relied on my instinct to decipher her presence."


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