Can't destroy you

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"How can I make my people feel valued? how can I love them without discrimination and justice when I have been so unjust to my own self."

Hot tears cascaded down like liquid acid on Medusa's cheeks. She looked at Zion shaking her head slightly, a sob breaking out, for once accepting the truth rather than fabricating an alternative dream world.

"One day, a single day father you show me a little love and I came back running to you.

Tell me....tell me did you deserved that?
You have forgotten me when I truly needed you. Yes, you did saved me father, you killed the abusive woman who carried me into her womb but tell me were you any different than her?

You took me to wars, showing such heinous deeds no thirteen year old should see, the bloodshed and massacre happening before my eyes were so brutal that I couldn't even breathe in the air filled with the smoke and burning flesh. What crime I had committed to be given such a cruel treatment...i was just a child father."

Her lips trembled as her whole form shook, Zion watched wide eyed, his hands shaking as he tried reaching out to her but she stepped back.

Rhysand growled furious, Zion did that to his Medi. His blood boiled with rage but the princess continued.

"You saw I could be used as a weapon and you didn't leave the opportunity, I had begged you.....countless times that I didn't wanted to kill but you dragged me to the battles.

Whenever I saw the mirror I didn't felt anything other than hatred towards my own existence, I had felt worthless, I loathed my own being.

You knew I was suicidal, I had attempted cutting my own throat three times....but I couldn't and that made me feel even worse.....a coward....I was just a spineless coward. And when you knew, not once did you came to me father."

"Medusa, I am sorry." She dry chuckled, her voice hoarse.

"The day my mate leaves me, you come to me not once apologising that you broke me into the pieces, where was your apology then....for what you did to me where was your remorse....your conscience who killed their own child from inside.

The hurt dosen't disappears magically father, it ate me from inside."

She looked directly into the eyes of Zion trying to see the reality for once but he couldn't meet her lilacs...he was ashamed, his form hunched, defeated.

"I was fifteen when I first met you Lucien, six years of friendship, all my love and loyalty to you was nothing but vain.

I told bestfriend that I felt wrong the day of war before Rhysand left me and didn't even blinked once while lying straight to my face, meeting my eyes.

You backstabbed me, the one person who fight against the whole rouge army to keep you safe, to give you everything I thought you deserve."

"I am guilty Medi, I gave you so much pain, tell me how can I take it back, how can I make it right." Lucien asked, his eyes glossy searching her eyes for recognization of his once friend but found nothing but emptiness in those irises.

"As much as I love you Lucien, if Medusa chooses to never forgive you....I will support her, none of you deserve don't deserve her." Celeste admonished her voice firm and hard leaving the side of her mate and coming beside the lilac eyed princess.

Medusa smiled sadly though tears as Celeste gave her a firm nod.

"Look at me Rhy." While all this Rhysand stood behind his mate, his form frozen and eyes wide unable to decipher anything as waves of intense anguish through the bond hit him again and again in his heart.... Medusa's pain and he knew he was a reason.

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