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As he entered his place of work, he politely greeted everyone with a smile.  On arrival to his station where he clocked his card, there she sat. With her short red hair, knee high skirt, her toned, lotioned legs and wedged heels, he couldn't help but stare. He bit his lips as he looked at her in detail knowing damn well that this woman was a bit on the crazy side.

He's had crazy before, but now he's ready for the challenge of taming one, at least for as long as he could. As she looked at him, she smiled and greeted him before giving him his first task of the morning. He had to compliment her before he left, so he asked "Who's the lucky guy?" Confused at what he was referring to, she asked "What are you speaking about?"

"I saw your attire is a bit too sexy this morning, so I just had to ask who's going to be dating you this afternoon!" He explained. She blushed a bit before dismissing him to his workstation, "Boy! Just go do your thing and leave me alone!" He knew he had begun to chizzle his way into her mind and that's exactly where he wanted to start his assault.

James was a handsome, thirty year old, educated guy working as an Accountant for a reputable business in San Fernando. There were alot of women that liked him there, and he'd speak to them all, sometimes conversating a bit on the adult side of things. This got the ladies excited, but due to his status, they never pushed for attaining his heart.

Josie, his boss was one of the most down to earth, yet crazy women he'd ever met, but her status never really bothered him one bit. There were rumors going around that she and her spouse had broken up and now that she's single, she pretends to still be in the relationship. Josie was fifteen years older than James which, if gotten together would make her a cougar milf.

Both titles excited him dearly as his personal fetish included both. Every chance James had gotten to excuse himself from work, he'd find himself at Josie's desk. On coffee break, he'd bring her one and at lunch, he'd buy her a sandwich. The way his personality was such a charismatic one, none of his co-workers had ever spread rumers about him at work.

He'd play things off really cool as if there was nothing in particular about Josie, but in fact, that's just the way his plan works. James is one of the most gifted accountants for the firm and the fact that he set his eyes on Josie made him a dangerous preditor. James is married to a woman seven years older than himself, light complexion, beautiful and of East Indian descent.

Why James would feast his eyes on Josie is unknown, but some would guess that the distance in age is what intreagues him. James likes getting with older women and satisfying their heated nature. There's no shame in being a people pleaser, especially if people meant women. By no means was James a womanizer, so that alone made him appealing to the opposite sex.

He'd been invited on many different functions and events by his female colleagues, but most of them was always in bad timing. This kept the women interested in wanting to invite him out at another date, which he would often accept and show up for part of the said event.

The fact that he was a favourite with the ladies, made him popular with some of the men as well. His friend Daniel, who's also married, warned him of his dexterity with the ladies. He gave Joseph meaningful married advice which he often adheres to, but after a few talks with James about other women, Daniel never bothered with speaking to him about his plans for Josie.

James had gotten really close to Josie within the past four months and he'd hugged her on more than one occasion. Her breasts squished against his chest and her thighs fit properly within his. Her hands wrapped around his neck, he had many different opportunities to kiss her lips, but ironically there was always a camera wherever she chose to embrace him.

One day he knew he'd have the opportunity to invite her home and make a lasting impression on her, but for now, he'd just flirt with her occasionally and see where that would get him. James loved his wife dearly and would never dream of hurting her, but there was an occasion that changed him. His wife had cheated on him once after he stayed at work late a few times well. She felt neglected and unloved by James, so she took it upon herself to have sex with another man of whom she'd recently known.

After noticing that something was wrong with his wife, he persuaded her to admit what was going on—Which she did. James and his wife lived apart for reasons unknown to everyone else and this was another factor to the complications that caused her to become unfaithful. After understanding his wife's unfaithful experience, he'd promised to be a better husband, but in fact he'd changed subconsciously without knowing.

Josie wasn't always in the picture, but after his wife fucked up, he made her a primary goal in his life—still unknowing to himself. Why be serious about someone if they hurt you, disregarding the feelings and emotions of your heart. It's better to be single or just have a spare tire as some would often recite. Firstly James had to know about Jose's husband and if the rumers were true, but to do so, he'd have to get her alone to have a heart to heart on an emotional level.

With a mind like James' he'd already started cooking up a plan to get Josie into his web where he'd plan to spin her and take her on a ride.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now