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The time had come for James to get ready for his evening with Josie. After seeing Josie at work, he'd doubted that she could look any more appealing to him. Knowing that she's also a bit crazy, it raised some concerns in his mind at the last minute.

He'd hoped that she wouldn't embarrass either of them, but with confidence, he decided to go through with it. He peered through the bedroom door and saw Keva fast asleep with her movie still playing on the television. He walked into the room and opened the closet door where he picked out his clothes.

Unaware of what type of place they were going to, he assumed as it was night, that it would be some sort of night lounge of such. He decided to go semi-casual, so he would be in accordance with any type of place they'd be attending.

He took a nice cold shower and got dressed before heading out the door. He switched on the ignition and left for their meeting spot in the casualty's car park. It took him about half an hour to arrive and as soon as he did, he saw Josie in an SUV parked at the side of the building.

James parked his vehicle not too far from hers, so as they returned, he wouldn't have much walking to do. He got out and proceeded to Josie's SUV. James opened the door and got inside where he had instantly gotten nervous. Just when he thought that Josie couldn't look any more appealing, she stunned him with a trick she had up her sleeve.

Josie wore an off the shoulder top and a mini skirt, a bit of makeup that was on point and most likely a pair of heels—since she loved those and he couldn't see her feet in the vehicle. She greeted him with a warm hug before they were off to the spot in town. The highway would be the quickest way there and Josie wasn't quite a slow driver.

"So how did you escape the clutches of your wife?" Josie asked.

"She's sick and she lay sleeping before I left—attitude right before as well!" replied James.

Josie shook her head, but said nothing more about the subject until James asked, "How did you escape your husband?"

"Honestly I changed at a girlfriend's house, keep him guessing I'm working late right!" Josie replied.

James shook his head as he understood Josie. He wanted to ask about her husband, but he wasn't sure if it would spoil the mood. Just then Josie pulled over on the shoulder and pulled up the handbrake.      

"You're curious right James?"

"Huh! What?"

"My husband, you're curious about him and why I'm risking it all to go out tonight with you?"

"Well... Umm..."

"Don't be a pussy James, just ask!"

"Well... Yes, I'm honestly curious!"

"See, that wasn't so hard!"

"Where do I start?"

"Khalifa, my husband and I are together for twenty years. We still live together, unfortunately, but sleep in separate beds. He acts like he owns me, yet we haven't had sex in three years. For a woman of my age, that's a freaking long time. I know everyone thinks I'm crazy, and quite frankly they're correct, but not in the way that they think."

"You see James I haven't been happy in a long time and I've been working and going to friend's homes, sometimes to my own home and I have no real life. I want to feel alive and since I've met you—even if I ignored you for a while, you do something to me that I can't understand and I'm risking it all to be here with you and for some reason, you're doing the same and I appreciate the fact that you didn't set me up tonight. Let's see how things go tonight and we'll finish this conversation okay!"

James was a bit shocked and filled with mixed emotions after the talk with Josie. He wanted to know and boy did he find out a mouthful. He stayed silent for a bit of the way there, but eventually, he asked: "So where are we going?"

"Honestly we're going dinner and dancing," she replied

"You can dance right?" she then asked.

"Yes of course!" replied James.

As they took the turnoff from the highway, Josie pulled into the car park of this spot that had recently opened. The neon illuminated sign read 'The Heart of Kingston' to James it sounded Jamaican, but it was anything than.

As she stopped, he jumped out and went around before she opened her door. He did the honors—holding her hand as she exited the vehicle as well. James could now clearly see the beauty of a woman who had invited him out from his usual life. He was correct about her footwear, black four-inch heels that added height to her already perfect height. They entered through the front entrance and heads spun immediately.

James felt on top of the world as he walked in holding hands with a beautiful older woman and he could tell how many men envied him for just holding her like that. Luckily they were at a spot where no one knew them, as to avoid any confusion where spouses are concerned.

They entered and took a seat at a table and a waitress came to them almost immediately. The music was a bit loud, but it added to the atmosphere they entered. Josie ordered red wine to start and so did James. While waiting, an older couple had just stepped out on the dance floor. Josie and James looked on as they danced to music from their time. The mc hyped them before another couple entered the dance floor to add to the hype.

Josie and James' order of red wine has just came and they sipped slowly while watching the showcase of dance by two different decades of people. It was truly a great start to the evening.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now