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Although the relationship between James and Josie wasn't planned to have reached this far, it did and he hadn't regretted one moment of it. From living apart from his wife Keva to living together again, to having her leave and living with Josie, he had no regrets.

One thing James knew for sure and that was, his life with his new family can only get better. With each coming year, he would be able to see his son grow into a fine young man and his girlfriend Josie would only become more appealing the older she got—since aging isn't in her DNA.

On the topic of marriage, James and Josie both came to the conclusion—why complicate things knowing fully well that they're perfect the way they are at the moment. James and Josie would continue living together as normal, having sex and doing everything that they were accustomed to doing together.

It felt good to James, coming home to a woman that values him as much as Josie does. He came home one day stressed and a bit too silent. Josie noticed the sudden change in his arrival and decided to come to him with her arms outstretched. As she embraced him, Josie could feel his muscles tense and as much as he tried to hide it, his hugs were a bit cold.

"What's wrong dear?" Josie asked.

"Nothing love!" he replied.

James wasn't the type of person to burden you with his problems, so he'd deny it ever having a problem until you ask him maybe a couple of times well. Finally, he responded and Josie was a bit furious.

"So you just stood there and allowed her to..." she started.

"I was in shock babe! Once I realized, I removed myself from her presence!" James explained.

"I'll beat that bitch senseless!" Replied Josie.

"You'll give us away to the office babe! How bout I handle it on my own and if not, then you can beat her privately!" James advised.

From that moment on, Josie had been in her feelings and a bit non-responsive to James. She just wanted to be alone for now, but James felt bad even if he told her the truth. He knew that Josie would eventually—once she'd started speaking to him again, start asking questions pertaining to the incident.

The issue is that he told her everything and he needed Josie to be less insecure about the situation. It's not like Sandra possesses the qualities of Josie, she just wants revenge in the form of penetration—which James will decline indefinitely.

James gave Josie some time for the anticipated events to unfold, before reassuring her of his faithfulness thus far. He understood that as a woman, she would behave this way and needs reassuring. So he approached the situation in the most subtle way possible.

After dinner that night Josie went to the bathroom, prepared her warm bath and began to lather her body. At this point, James entered the shower and began kissing her neck while caressing her breasts. Josie's nipples stood rock hard and that's when James decided to turn her around and suck on them.

They didn't have too much time to engage in foreplay, so they got right down to business before Jaie awoke for his bottle. Josie planted her hands firmly on the walls while pushing back on James riding his shaft provocatively. James gripped Josie's waist while he trusted his penis to the deepest part of Josie's vagina.

She gasped so deeply and began moaning louder. Once Josie had reached her peak, James turned her around and mounted her in both arms with her legs spread apart and penetrated her until he climaxed as well. Not thinking of another pregnancy he stayed in for a few minutes—once he'd finished, before actually releasing Josie.

Suddenly Jaie had awoken and began crying, so James allowed Josie to continue her bath as he rushed out—almost slipping on the bathroom tiles, to get him. Once she had finished, she dried her body and took Jaie in order for James to return to the bathroom.

Once James was finished, he noticed Jaie in Josie's arms with her left breast in his mouth. Apparently, he wasn't in the mood for a bottle, but a nipple. James then dried himself and changed in order to take Jaie—once finished, to burp before returning to his crib. Thus far, fatherhood has been a blessing and a learning experience for James. Motherhood was also new to Josie, but she was prepared from before.

"A mother isn't just made, she's born!" said Josie to James.

He just smiled in amazement at this wonderful woman—his wonderful woman. He couldn't stop but stare at her before he actually realized what was happening. Josie and James—once Jaie had returned to his crib to rest, lay on the bed speaking and cuddling for a moment.

The stuff we all long for in a relationship was achieved accidentally by a common man such as James and he was proud of himself for achieving such a successful relationship with someone he actually thought was farfetched.

"Is there a chance you'll want  another child, James?" Josie asked.

"To be honest, if it came I'm fine with that, but we have achieved one and I'm not going to put your health at risk for another child!" explained James.

Josie was so overwhelmed by James' honest answer that she began crying. James—noticing this, began to console her thinking that he said something wrong. Josie assured him that he said the right words and she was lucky to have him at her side. He smiled as he kissed her lips and they lay in the natural embrace of each other before they actually made it to sleep.

Once they were drifting off to dreamland, James kept his ears open for any sound of Jaie, so in the event that he needs his father, James would be able to allow Josie to rest.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now