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Later that morning, James exited the room to get some breakfast for himself and Josie. He hadn't called in sick just yet, but he's sure his coworkers at the office noticed both him and Josie weren't there and speculating as he pondered. Especially with Ronald at the office, speculation would go from nill to infinite in a couple of seconds.

James didn't care at this point, he just wanted to remain on this cloud that he had achieved entry onto. Josie was everything that he was looking for in a woman and Keva had stopped showing any interest and revealed her psychotic behavior to James.

If he'd known she was like this, he'd have never entertained the thought of marriage, but then again, their marriage was rushed due to Keva claiming she was pregnant. Keva and James were in love once, but after finding out of her lies to tie him down—so to speak, he was turned off from her.

Fighting to make the best of things, he stayed and Keva continues taking advantage of his kindness. As much of a good man James really is deep down, only one woman actually deserved to be with him. It was unfortunate that said woman was that of someone else.

James made his way to a breakfast shed in the city and bought breakfast for both Josie and himself. He returned to the room where both he and Josie stuffed their faces until they had their fill.

"What are we going to do today?" asked Josie.

"I was thinking we'd stay inside and keep out of sight for a bit," replied James.

Josie was in better spirits than yesterday and she was happy to finally be alone with James for such a long period of time. She held James' face and kissed his lips as she thanked him once more for the rush he is currently taking.

"It hurts knowing the sacrifices I made to remain with Khalifa!..." started Josie.

"...but why physically hurt your wife?" She asked.

James held her face to kiss her, but she flinched a bit as it still hurt where Khalifa had punched her. James kissed her cheek and her forehead while he encouraged her to continue being strong. They then turned on the television and found a movie that appeared interesting.

A romantic comedy, by all means, is both what they wanted and needed at this point. They had the best of both worlds with romance and a bit of comedy. As laughter was good for the soul, the duration of the movie made them forget the trivial event that they were in.

Once the movie was finished, James noticed that Josie had closed her eyes and fallen asleep. As he removed his hand from under her, he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. After his usual fifteen minutes of cleansing, he emerged from the shower only to find Josie awake and looking at herself by the mirror.

"Do you really love me James?" asked Josie.

"Yes, I do Josie! With my all!" replied Josie.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"Only your love Josie!" James answered.

"... But don't you want a child of your own?" she asked.

"Maybe one day to come yes, but not right now!" replied James.

Josie's facial expression changed with James' answer.

"Why did your mood suddenly change?" asked James.

"... Because I can't give you what you would one day want!" replied Josie with tears in her eyes.

"I don't care about that Josie, I love you and if you can't bear a child or me then I'll still be here!" explained James.

"I appreciate that, but it would be selfish of me to keep you away from such desires!" explained Josie.

"I'm not breaking up with you James, but I need you to do one thing for me!" pleaded Josie.

"Anything babe!" replied James.

"Makeup with Keva or find someone else and have a child with that person, so you will know how it feels to have your own family!" explained Josie.

This was the most inappropriately shocking thing Josie had ever said to James and he could feel his heart sink to his stomach thereafter. Tears fell from James' eyes and Josie had to wipe them from his face.

"Why couldn't I have you to my self?" Asked James.

"You do my love!" replied Josie.

"... But you're letting me go!" James continued with tears still in his eyes.

"I never said anything about letting you go, James! I'm forty-five and you're thirty. We had a great experience and soon you would need your priorities to be fulfilled. Digging into my pussy isn't going to help you forgive yourself later. I need you to do this for me because when I no longer able to give you what you enjoy, you'll leave me for someone younger!" explained Josie.

James knew there was some truth to what she was saying, but he had ignored and quite frankly never gave the topic any thought whatsoever. Josie turned around and kissed James who's towel was loosely wrapped around him. It fell to the floor and Josie began stroking his penis while kissing his neck.

She stooped for a split second to push him onto the bed and had her way with him. She was letting him go slowly, but that doesn't mean that she had to pass up good dick in the process.

"Why do you love this dick so much, Josie?" He asked while she stuck it deep into her throat.

Josie then took it out and began jerking it as she replied, "Married dick hits better when there is turmoil in the marriage! You get fucked with love, anger and a bit of revenge. That's something I needed in my life!" explained Josie before getting on top of James to begin riding him.

"One more thing to add to your question James!... " she started.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I love you!" she continued.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now