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Josie got up the next morning with a case of nausea, so she rushed to the bathroom. James hadn't felt Josie leaving the bed, so he was unaware of her current dilemma. Once he had awoken, he felt for her and when he realized that she was not there, he erected himself suddenly to search for her.

After running to the living room and searching for any clues to where she had gone, he looked on the shoe rack by the door to find a pair of her shoes laying there. Soon after, Josie emerged from the washroom and went straight onto the couch.

"Good morning babe!" she said in a dreary tone of voice.

"Morning love!" he replied

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Morning sickness babe!" replied Josie.

Today of all days Josie had to get morning sickness when they had to be at work in the next few hours.

"Can you make it to work today?" asked James.

"I have to, my job depends on it!" replied Josie.

James then made his way to the bathroom while Josie finds her bearings for a bit. Once James was finished, Josie entered the bathroom so they'd both get to work on time. While they were dressing, Josie asked "What will we say if they ask why we're coming in the same vehicle?" to which James replied, "Your vehicle is down and I picked you up at a mutual place, but it's not anyone's business anyway."

They then made their way to work and just as they assumed, the entire department stared as they both came into the office together. Ronald was one of the first persons to stare, so they knew the speculation had started.

As usual, James walked to his desk greeting everyone on his way, but no one appeared happy to see both Josie and himself walk in together. Josie had felt the same hostile atmosphere, but she was the boss, so the reaction in which they'd address her with had to be different.

James stayed on his desk until lunch and once said time had arrived, he was the first from his department to leave. On his way, he called Josie to inform her that he'd return shortly with food for them both. James went to Josie's spot and ordered food and just as he said, he returned to work with said meal.

Josie was in the staff lunch room when James returned, but they were the only persons there. Apparently, everyone else goes to lunch out of the company, so James and Josie both spoke—but not about anything personal as they were at work. Josie couldn't wait to return home and James couldn't wait to leave the building.

Josie, during the day, had started feeling a bit better, but she was still experiencing a bit of back pains and cramps. She just wanted to lay on their bed and sleep until the pain went away. The rest of the workday went by slowly, but eventually, it was over and Josie was about to get her wish.

James made every effort to make sure Josie was comfortable while at home and he even went the extra mile to make dinner for them while she was asleep. Dinner and a movie was one thing they both had in common and once Josie was awake, she'd show her appreciation for James—or so he believed.

While watching television, James came across an advertisement randomly generated for KFC and it included something that dealt with family. James then pondered if his mother would like Josie as his significant other, but he highly doubted, since Josie had a bit of a crazy personality and mom had a standard of women that her sons should have.

The idea of introducing Josie to mom went out the window immediately since he couldn't risk losing Josie due to mom's strict judgemental attitude. He then thought out loud to himself, how he could become this lucky to score in this game of love with such a beautiful woman such as Josie.

It's like having a cougar or a milf was the goal of many young boys growing up around his time and he had gotten both in one package, but he really loved her as he had gotten to know her on a deeper level. Not to say that he won't have sex with her every chance he got—since she's so sexually attractive, but it's more so now because he had fallen for her on a serious note instead of just a flirtatious one.

Sometimes Keva ran across his mind, but it only brought back memories that he wanted to evade. When he thought of Josie, he saw crazy, but the type of crazy that consisted of fun, happiness, and sex. For a woman in her forties, Josie could keep up with James sexually and sometimes even more.

The heels and uniform she wears to work enhances and highlights her features so much so that she would send any man crazy. James persuaded the correct opportunity to obtain Josie's interest and although he was nearly without both wife and sexual partner, he was thankful he'd caught Keva being unfaithful at the right time.

Because of this, and the fact that Josie treats him like a king, James made it his business to take care of her while she was under the weather. Rest relaxation and medication are all she needed as she was pregnant for the first time—or so James assumed.

Although horny, James couldn't force himself onto Josie as he wasn't that type of person. He also stood the risk of losing her forever and he couldn't afford for that to happen. James decided to save all the feelings and emotions for Josie instead of going on the outside to seek pleasure.

There will never be anyone quite like Josie and James knew this. It may take a few days or weeks to overcome this sickness, but he'd rather wait until she gets better to pull off her panties.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now