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James abruptly awoke with the feeling of moisture under his neck and on his chest. It was perspiration from the absence of cool air in the bedroom and he erected himself to check on the cause of it. Keva was still fast asleep, so James turned in his phone's flashlight to guide his way toward the light in the kitchen.

Just as he thought, there was no electricity to power anything in the house. As a matter of fact, there was none to power no one's house for quite some distance. Either a transformer blew or the electric company was fixing something at that hour of the morning.

James checked his phone and it was 3:48am. This would affect his sleep once the electricity was returned, so he had to remain awake or suffer consequences at work for his abscentism. James began taking care if his hygiene first before making himself some breakfast.

He stood by the kitchen window, staring at the lights in the distance while sipping his coffee slowly. His mind wasn't here, but presumably in Couva with Josie. The memories they made together would hit hard at this quiet hour of the morning—especially with the absence of technology to occupy his mind.

He continued staring into the distance occasionally bearing a smile on his face. Suddenly, he was startled by a pair of cold hands around his throat locking his neck in place. As he panicked, the grip was released and Keva stood there laughing at him.

"You should have seen your face! You were so confused!" said Keva.

"It wasn't funny..." started James.

"...What if I had thrown my coffee on you?" He asked.

"Then I'd cut you!" replied Keva.

"You're a bit too crazy, you kno that?" James explained.

Keva's face grew serious after James' statement and he knew that he was in for some sort of an argument or worst. This only assisted James in getting ready for work even quicker. He began putting on his clothes, but was interrupted by Keva once more.

"Please don't go just yet!" she said while pulling his blazer.

James undressed and gave her exactly what she wanted. He kissed her lips and grasped her by her waist. She inhaled deeply and reached into his underwear while pulling it to his feet. On her knees, Keva serviced him for a while, giving him some of her best work. James moaned passionately while gripping her head and thrusting it into his crotch.

Keva then erected and bent over the kitchen counter and pulled him into her. Once penetrated, she ran her nails up and down his chest while receiving the full length of his shaft. It was her time to moan passionately and she enjoyed every minute of it. She raised her upper body while James grasped her neck and rhythmically they grinded each other until they both climaxed.

Immediately the lights returned and James proceeded to the bathroom, before he did he was stopped by Keva who wanted to put his lower regions into her mouth once more and kiss it to thank it for a great time. Keva then left for the bedroom leaving James to finish organising for work.

As James looked at the time, he saw it was already 5am, so he ran to the bathroom and took his second bath. Once out, he began to dress and he left by the time it was 6am to beat the traffic to work. Keva was already fast asleep when he left, so there was no resistance while leaving.

James rushed to work finally arriving five minutes earlier than nessesary. As he exited the elevator and made his way to clock his card, he was greeted by the statement, "You're in a rush this morning!" James turned around and to his supprise, Josie wasn't there. His smile, instantly turned to a frown as he asked, "Where's Josie?"

"She called in sick today!" replied Sandra.

James then made his way to his desk and began his daily assignment. There was some different energy hovering around James today and Sandra saw it first hand. Ronald was on his way to harass James, but Sandra called Ronald just before. She warned him of his actions before he faced disciplinary actions.

Ronald then returned to his desk to continue his work and the office was a bit quiet this morning. By the time James took his coffee break, he brought one for Sandra out of force of habit. James was in a slightly better mood now after taking his first sip of coffee, so Sandra decided to hold a conversation with him now.

"How's it going James?" she asked.

"Im good Sandra and how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine! Thanks for asking!" she replied.

"What are you doing for lunch?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, why?" He answered.

"Wanted company to check out this spot in the city Jose's been telling me about!" she explained.

"Well we'll see when lunch comes around!" he replied.

James felt something funny in his head about Sandra's request, but he tried his best to ignore it. He continued his work until lunch and she approached him again.
He thought he'd go with her just to be nice, so they got into his vehicle and drive off.

Once there, Sandra was amazed at the surroundings. They both ordered their food and began eating once it had arrived. Sandra noticed James had a bit of food on the side of his lips and reached over to wipe it—call it mother's reflex, since she hat two of her own.

James noticed her hand and jumped back from being startled.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You've got something on your face!" she replied.

"Oh! Okay! I'll get it!" he responded.

"Sorry, mother's reflex I guess!" she explained.

The rest of their lunch was quiet and Sandra felt horrible at the way James acted. James noticed her expression and apologized before they had to  return to work.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now