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The office was suspiciously quiet after lunch, but both didn't care nor have the time to assume. There was still four hours in the work day and there was still a bit of work to achieve before such time. Looking down at her phone, Josie began smiling uncontrollably, but soon after, she raised her head and everyone resumed working as they should.

James' phone didn't vibrate in his pocket and he didn't sent a text, which meant that someone else had Josie smiling. James looked up and saw the glow on Josie's face and immediately he assumed the worst. His chances may be screwed if her husband plays his cards right.

He had hoped that it was someone else, but there was no guarantee of knowing for certain. He lowered his head into his work, trying to avoid any more distractions, but was startled by a voice next to him. "So you went on lunch with the boss today!" the voice said.

As James looked up, he saw Ronald—the firm's gay confusionist. "It's nothing like that, I just ate a burger and fries and came back!" said James in his defense.

"James James James, we all know there's more going on that meets the eye, but let's hope that her husband doesn't get to find out about you!" said Ronald.

"Please don't make a scene for nothing that isn't there!" asked James.

"Oh sure, I won't, but Khalifa will! Just be careful okay!" warned Ronald.

James then excused himself to the washroom for a bit. James called his wife while in there to find out what she was up to and they spoke a bit before he returned to his work station. As he returned, he was called to Josie's desk so he was a bit confused.

As he arrived, Josie asked "What are you doing later?"

James, a bit nervous after Ronald's chat replied "I-I'm not sure yet, why?"

"I wanted to go check out this new spot in town and I just wanted some company, that's all!" she explained.

"Well that sounds great, but won't your husband mind u going out with someone of the opposite sex?" asked James.

"Would your wife?" replied Josie in quick succession.

"Touche" replied James.

"So is it a yes or do I need to ask someone else?" she asked for the final time.

"I'll go to the moon and back with you!" said James.

"I knew you'd say that!" said Josie as she flashed both a smile and a wink.

"So you'll meet me at seven at the casualty in Couva okay!" said Josie.

With that, James looked at the time as he returned to his desk. There was still an hour left before clock out and he couldn't wait. As James continued his work, he tried formulating a plan on how to get out of the house dressed appropriately.

Keva was a bit paranoid, so she'd find something wrong if she as much as sensed his nurvousness, so he'd have to make sure to keep calm. It's wierd that Josie invited James out instead of the other way around, but he was happy to just be somewhere except for work with her.

As the clock struck four, everyone reached for their bags and keys, so they can leave the office. Strangely enough, James didn't pass at Josie's desk to harass her today. Josie had hoped that no one had noticed, but as she looked up, she saw Ronald and she knew he had noticed more than he needed to.

The fact that she was his boss, meant that he wouldn't screw up his job for some gossip. Josie erected herself from her seat, took up her phone and left the office after everyone had departed. She wanted to take the elevator alone to avoid any awkwardness with any of her staff.

At the ground floor, she exited the building and proceeded to her vehicle. She switched on the ignition and drove off as quick as she could from the driveway—almost colliding with a truck on her way out. James was almost halfway to his home, already thinking of a way to leave the house tonight.

It would be tricky, but he thought he had gotten a good idea on how to proceed. James couldn't stop thinking of Josie even more now and he knew he needed to humble himself in order to avoid Josie assuming he was just like other men—ironically.

James needed to forget about today—at least for a bit, so he could carry out his plan of action later this evening. As he arrived home he wasn't greeted by any hugs or kisses and Keva hadn't cooked anything for today. He looked around and there was no sign of his wife either.

His heart felt heavy, thinking the worst. He wondered if she had someone in their bed and what would he do if he caught her in the act. He took up his blade from behind the door and proceeded to the bedroom. He had really hoped he wouldn't have to use it, but then again—if he did, would be for a greater good.

He heard a noise coming from the bedroom and his heart sank even deeper. He opened the door slowly and inside there was Keva under the covers wrapped up tight and watching television. He lay his blade outside the room and proceeded toward Keva. He felt her forehead and she had a tempature.

"You need to take off that cover love!" He said.

"But I'm cold!" Said Keva.

"Come on love you need to stop babysitting this cold!" He said as he began to pull the blanket off.

Keva grabbed it and told him "Leave me alone until I'm ready to take off the blanket!"

With that, James got up and proceeded to change his clothes and prepare himself mentally for later. His plan needn't be carried out since Keva was sick, so once she'd fallen asleep he would be free to proceed.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now