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Josie and Jaie spent almost four days at the hospital and every day at lunch and after work, James would visit them both. He was excited to have his family at home one day and after three days and a half, he had finally had what he prayed for. Josie once home spent a lot of time sleeping with the exhaustion that labor leaves you with.

James had to attend to Jaie more often, sins he knew Josie needed her rest. Her face had changed from the beautiful, vibrant woman she always had been, to the world's most exhausted woman. Josie's hair was a mess and she looked drained. James noticed her chance and tried his best to ignore it.

Even though outer beauty wasn't what he fell in love with Josie for, it added emphasis to why he had fallen in love. Her personality was still the same even though she hardly spoke and she was a bit needy. James found great joy in attending to Josie and she loved the feeling of being pampered like this.

Jaie wasn't too much of an active infant thus far and he slept a lot, only waking up for breast milk a few times a day. James rocked him to sleep and burped him, changed his pampers and sponged him off as many times as necessary. His only disappointment was that he couldn't take some time off to be with his new family since he'd be giving himself away.

The office must never know of their relationship or it would be the end of seeing each other as much as possible. Although James hated the hiding and lying, it was for the best that staff—especially Ronald, knew very little about their personal lives.

Josie, once she was a bit rested began eating a lot of junk. It soothed her to some extent and it also allowed her to put on some size. Ice cream and pizza would always do that to you if you eat enough of it. James allowed himself to become a bit bulkier due to his participation with the junk food.

Once he'd noticed himself getting a stomach, he stopped and joined a gym that was close to home. He also enrolled Josie, so they would be able to exercise together. During any events that required them both to be there, James highered a babysitter just for the few hours they would be gone.

Their schedule worked just fine and everyone was satisfied thus far. James would be at work as usual while Josie remained at home with Jaie, occasionally leaving the house to do whatever shopping she needed to do. Once they both were to be in the same place at the same time, they would call the babysitter and they would've been free for some hours.

Josie, after hitting the gym a bit with James, began looking quite like herself again. Her stomach had gone down a bit and she was thicker now since her hips expanded during labor. James grew excited ever since he noticed it and hasn't been able to control himself around Josie either.

Every moment they got, was occupied by the event of sexual intercourse. Luckily Josie was on vitamins and iron tablets or this would have surely killed her. James had always loved having sex with Josie, but now the thicker Josie excited him in more ways than he knew possible.

Life had changed, but not in such a drastic way for them to be stressed out about it. Life had actually been better now than they ever thought possible. Jaie, James, and Josie once out together got a lot of attention from a lot of different people in public. Jaie was such a handsome boy and parents tried matching him to their infant daughters as well.

James and Josie were now proud parents and they were surprised that they hadn't run into anyone from the office just yet. Then again, their coworkers weren't going to be in these places at that hour of the day. At work, Sandra continued flirting with James, but it's like the more he appeared uninterested, the more she tried her best to touch him.

Luckily Josie wasn't around or she might have thrown a fist at Sandra. James ignored both Sandra and Ronald just to get through the day without Josie. Once the workday was over he would rush home in order to see his baby boy and love of his life.

Josie wasn't perfect by any means, but compared to Keva, she was the best thing ever. The arguments—what little it may have, wasn't for mediocre things, but for meaningful reasons. James could have lived with that since now he'd know that he was wrong in whatever way.

James had changed his appearance as well, so now he had an overgrown, but we'll groomed beard and the women at the office just couldn't get enough of it. Even Josie found it appealing and couldn't stop feeling him once he was around.

One day, he knew if he wasn't careful, he'd mess everything up and lose Josie forever, but that wasn't a chance he was willing to take. James had stuck to his work and himself for the duration of Josie's time away from work and speculation continued.

Once she had returned to work, Ronald and Sandra were closer than ever and they were also caught coming out of the staff washroom together. This explained a lot and Sandra was just a slutty individual who just wanted rough, dirty sex. At least it appeared that way for her to have sex with Ronald of all persons in the office.

James wasn't taking her bait, each time she dropped something, she picked it up provocatively and looked back at him, but he had gotten enough sex at home to be wanting Sandra's young pussy. James loved his sex a bit mature, so he may learn something in the process and funny enough—with all that he knew, Josie still managed to teach him a few tricks.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now