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After their performance, the music continued as normal and Josie called the waitress once more. "We're ready to order now!" said Josie. She ordered the house special of ribs and steak for them both with two sides of fries and all the dressings.

"Don't worry babe I got you!" said Josie.

James was still in awe at how he ended up here on a date with his boss at the office, but she was more down to earth than he thought. It would take about twenty minutes for their food to be ready, so they had a bit of a wait. Just then Josie took his hand and carried him to the dance floor.

"Let's see what you can do?" Said Josie.

James took Josie by the waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"So you're really putting me on the spotlight right!" said James.

"I wouldn't have you any other way!" replied Josie.

As they started moving with the music, the mc hyped them for the duration of their performance. They danced as if they were accustomed to each other's steps and with each step became closer to each other. They looked into each other's eyes and began smiling as they moved. Once the song was over, the crowd gave a round of applause for both of them.

"Give it up one more time for the couple on table four!" said the mc.

They bowed as a 'thank you' to the crowd then it was off to their seats. Just in time too, since their meals had just arrived with the waitress. In between catching their breath, they giggled at what had just happened. They were both enjoying themselves and providing entertainment for the crowd.

Once they were settled, they began with their meal. James hadn't eaten steak and ribs in such a long while that it felt a bit unrealistic. Being here with Josie also felt unrealistic, since he always thought she was out of his league. Who would have thought that two married people could go on a date and enjoy themselves as if they were actually together?

After tonight, there was no telling what kind of relationship they were going to have. James tried his best not to think of anything past this moment in which he was enjoying himself and making Josie laugh. There was a bit of rib sauce at the side of James' mouth and Josie took her napkin to clean it for him.

She smiled at him and said, "You're such a messy eater!"

"Not necessarily every time though!" said James.

"You're really cute, you know that?" said Josie.

James, shocked was at a loss for words, but he mustered up the ability to pull off an appreciative smile at her and she returned a smile before she winked at him.

Again she giggled uncontrollably as he was having a wonderful time with James. They cleared their plates and the remainder, Josie would take it to her vehicle.

"You're saving it for later?" asked James.

"No silly! I'm carrying this for these homeless people I often feed in Couva!" replied Josie.

"Oh! So you're beautiful and caring! How does your husband not appreciate you?" James explained.

"If my wife was half the woman you are, then I wouldn't have even dreamt of being here!" James continued.

Josie started taking James' compliments seriously thereafter since the look in her eyes changed significantly. "Let's dance some more!" said Josie as she grabbed his hand leading him to the dance floor once more.

Josie signaled to the DJ and he started playing a different selection of songs for them to dance. Once more James and Josie wrapped their hands around each other and began to traverse the dance area. The mc hyped the feeling of the crowd and Josie put on a show for everyone watching.

Soon there were two more couples that joined for an unofficial dance-off and both Josie and James took their dancing to another level. In the end, it was Josie and James that won and the DJ slowed the pace as the lights got dimmer.

Josie, wet with sweat turned around pushing her body against James who was also wet with sweat. They didn't care too much as they both were in the moment and didn't want it to end. Josie pulled his head forward as she reached to catch his lips in hers. She then turned and wrapped her hands around his neck again and they continued kissing intimately.

Josie's eyes were closed while kissing James, but he wanted to see her this close to him since he wasn't sure he'd get another chance to have her like this. Eventually, Josie stopped and walked over to the table to collect the remainder of the food—still holding James' hand.

Before she continued, Josie turned and told James "Tell me this is what you want!" and James responded, "This is what I need!" Josie then led James outside to her SUV, but instead of the front seat, they both entered the back before shutting the door.

With the doors locked, Josie began taking off James's clothes while kissing his lips breathing heavily. He returned the favor till eventually both their clothes were off. James began sucking her breasts and touching her in places that drove her wild. Josie then pushed him back as she sucked him and drove him wild. Before long, Josie got on top of James and began riding him passionately, both of them breathing heavily fogging up the windows.

James then took control and turned her around so he could give her all of his love from the back. Josie gripped both headrests of the front seat biting her lips as she took everything he had to offer. Soon he changed positions once more allowing her to take him in the missionary position looking into her eyes until they both climaxed. Once the sex was over, they both froze in position and kissed some more. 

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now