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The next couple of months had been some of the hardest for James and Josie. Between hiding her stomach and their relationship, avoiding Sandra and Ronald, attending the clinic and work on a whole, both James and Josie were exhausted.

Keva even tried calling James to win him back, but he was uninterested. Josie's husband crashed her SUV and got locked up for a DUI, so he was accounted for as well. The topic of marriage came up once, but then they realized that in order to do so, they both would either have to move to another country or change their names and neither sounded practical to them.

They both loved their jobs and starting over would be too hard at both their ages. Josie had just about two months before the supposed birth of their child and James was under extra stress at work. With Josie out of the office for six months, Sandra tried making a move on James every moment she got.

Sandra would be the head of the department until Josie returned, so Ronald—as her friend, would also try to get any information about James. At lunch, Sandra asked James to come to her home to help her move a wardrobe with Ronald, but he knew all too well that Ronald with his back problems couldn't lift anything.

He decided to lie to Sandra, as he foresaw the controversy that would arise due to her continued flirting. Sandra wanted to get at Josie and in order to do so she needed to take James home and fuck him really good, so he wouldn't dream of returning to her. James knew these office women all too well since he overheard them speaking once in the corridor leading to the office.

Sandra and her outside friends take great joy in fucking and taking away other women's male companions and using them to milk them out of their money. Once they have achieved what they set out to do, they dump you in the harshest way possible.

Luckily James knew what he would be getting himself into, so he wasn't about to risk his relationship by going with Sandra. James dare not mention anything to Josie since he didn't want to risk her having a miscarriage. She'd be at home worrying and stressing out about him and Sandra and he couldn't allow that.

He had control and the ability to avoid the temptation that Sandra and some of the other office women gave off. This particularly made James dangerous to these women, but they didn't know what they would be walking themselves into.

James couldn't wait to return home each day in order to rub Josie's stomach. The last ultrasound indicated that Josie would be giving birth to a baby boy, so James was extremely happy about that. James would clean and wash, do yard work and anything else that needed to be done since Josie would cook and he would rather her not doing anything too strenuous during the pregnancy.

Josie and James were still having sex during the pregnancy, but it couldn't be as freaky as before since they had to be extra careful not to hurt the baby. The doctor advised them to do so in order to keep Josie's vagina exercised for the actual birth of the baby.

Names were discussed, new friends were made in the clinic and no one at work knew anything about them—which was like music to their ears. This meant that they both could work at the same company and see each other every moment of the day.

James and Josie also put up to buy another SUV, so in the event of an emergency, she would have safe transport. James, on his off days, would do any side jobs necessary that paid, so he may accumulate extra funds for emergency purposes. Everything was falling into place just as planned but somewhere along the journey to a better life, James knew something would set them back one way or another.

Hopefully, it doesn't come to that, but in the event that it does, both James and Josie discussed terms and conditions. Once James saw about his child, Josie was fine with that. James could be free to run all the hoes he could want, but there was no way he could re-enter Josie's life once he'd started on that path.

James knew to himself that he'd fallen too deeply in love to leave Josie's cougar, milf body for some normal random chick such as Sandra or any of the office women. Sure they were beautiful with nice bodies, but the cougar milf aspect added something to Josie that none of them could ever understand. That was the main advantage Josie had on all of the women in accounting.

Josie and James go to the park in the afternoon to walk a bit—which was another thing advised by the doctor to do. All the good habits they needed to practice before pregnancy was now the main focus for them for at least the nine months of pregnancy. Shockingly enough, it was enjoyable for both of them—maybe because they got to spend time together.

At this point, in public, they both had to be skeptical about being seen together by coworkers, especially Ronald or Sandra. They couldn't risk being caught and if they did, then one of them would have to leave the company and send in their resume to another. Then again, it would be two against one if it had come to that aspect of things.

James and Josie had just packed the baby bag for whenever she had to go into labor. It would be a hassle if they left it for the last minute, not to mention the unnecessary up and down if they forgot anything at home. James wanted to be there with his woman through it all. Good, bad, in between and labor. He wouldn't miss the birth of his son for anything.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now