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Time had come for Josie to go into labor, she was set on the bed and already following instructions. James at her side as she held his hand and squeezed tightly. After a few minutes, their bouncing baby boy had been born and Josie's heart stopped.

Joy suddenly turned to sorrow, as James noticed what was going on. His life flashed before his eyes and he immediately began thinking about life without Josie. It was the most frightening thing he had ever experienced. The doctors and nurses rushed over to her side and tried their utmost best to revive her.

At Josie's age, her first child should kill her, but the doctors remembered her and assured James that this was her second. Josie's first child was delivered twenty-two years ago and the child succumbed to the complications. Josie was shocked with a machine and just before the last try, Josie had been revived.

Tears ran down James' cheeks and with his hands clasped, he thanked God for his grace on Josie. She had died for almost ten minutes before she had finally been revived and at that point, it was the hardest that James had prayed in his entire life. That red-haired woman of his dreams wasn't finished on this earth.

James couldn't think of life without her and would have given his life to save her. After all, Josie was his everything and to be left with just his son wouldn't have been enough to carry him through the rest of his life. He was grateful and vowed to be the best father he could be to his son and the best boyfriend to Josie.

Once Josie was awake and stable, she was able to hold her son in her arms and they both were able to establish a name for him. After some thought, they came up with the name Jaie—pronounced Jay, which is a combination of both James and Josie's names.

Josie, gave him over to James as she was still weak from labor. James looked at him and smiled knowing that this was everything they would leave behind one day. Josie fell asleep and James had to return Jaie to the nurse for her to check and test his vitals and whatever else they do after a baby's birth.

James kissed Josie's hand just before he left the room and the nurses also saw about cleaning Josie and her blood from the room. She would be warded for a while for the doctors to monitor her and Jaie before allowing them to return home to begin their lives as a real family.

James then returned home to prepare everything for their arrival. Cleaning, wiping down and putting everything that was out of place back in place. Once the housework was over, James kneeled in the living room and raised his arms to the heavens to thank the Father for everything he had done for him and his new family.

Unsure if he would hear James' prayer—since they actually committed adultery, he still had to try. Jaie was healthy and not deformed in any way, so that was a blessing on its own. James immediately began shopping online for the remainder of baby clothes for Jaie, as he hadn't gotten the time to finish the shopping locally. At least he knew it would be delivered at his door—which makes the task half done.

In the evening, James would return to check in on his girlfriend and son. For now, he would just sit back and watch a bit of television. James, while watching television flipped through his Facebook which then tempted him to put up a status about his blessing, but he then decided not to do such a thing as it would alert a bit of speculation amongst his online friends.

Josie would be disappointed in him if he does such a thing as well, so he decided not to do such a thing. The next step once they were home was to gather the godparents and make arrangements before six months, for Jaie to get christened. James' mother would be proud once she found out about her grandson, but he knew he would have to deal with a bit of judgemental speeches about being in a relationship with Josie.

That's just something that he'd have to prepare for since there's no way to avoid it. Josie is his girlfriend and there's nothing no one can do about it—especially since her husband is in jail and Keva was nowhere to be found. Evening came quicker than expected and James had to rush to the bathroom to prepare for his visit to the hospital.

Jaie and Josie were waiting, most likely, she's quarreling with the nurses for proper food to strengthen her up. James would have to find somewhere on the way with provision and salt fish for Josie or suffer the same fate as the nurses he's sure were getting abused verbally at the moment.

On his way, he found a kitchen that was ironically serving provisions and salt fish, so he stopped for a minute to purchase a box to carry for Josie. As he arrived, James was greeted by a woman in a colorful dress.

"James I assume!" she said.

"Yes, I am?" He replied confused.

"I'm Josie's mother Evelyn!" she said.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Evelyn!" He replied.

"This one's young dear! Trying to regain your youth?" she teased Josie.

"Mom you're embarrassing me!" replied Josie.

"Oh he'll get used to it!" she said to Josie while smiling.

James just stood there smiling as he looked at his son sleeping peacefully in the arms of Josie. He had hoped that he would be awake, but a bit of patience and he'll get his chance to be a father. James was now a proud father of a baby boy and the boyfriend of a cougar milf. Life couldn't get any better for James as he had everything he could ever need in life.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now