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At 5:30 am James' alarm sounded and he pandiculated before erecting out of bed. Keva had already been up a while now since after opening the door, he smelt breakfast. As James entered the kitchen, he noticed Keva having herself a bacon and egg sandwich with a glass of orange juice.

"Morning babe!" he said to her as he reached in for a kiss.

"Yeah, morning!" she said to him as she dodged his lips and utterly refused his kisses.

"What did I do?" He asked his wife, but she ignored his question and went ahead with her sandwich.

"Bacon and eggs are in the frying pan, you know where to get bread!" she said to him while she finished her orange juice.

James retreated to the bathroom, angry with keva once more, so he decided to skip breakfast altogether and organize himself for work. At 6 am James had just finished lacing his shoes and was about to leave the house for work.

At least, there he had someone to make him at peace with himself —for at least eight to ten hours of the day. James got into his vehicle and drove off to work, which was an hour away from home. He took up work at 7:15 am, so he had an early start ahead of traffic hours.

As he entered the car park, he checked the mirror to finalize his attire before stepping out of the vehicle. On the elevator, he was accompanied by other departments of staff that came off two floors before him. Finally arriving at his floor, James greeted everyone he met on the way to his desk. Before he began, however, he took a slight detour to the desk of Josie.

"You're looking like a ray of sunshine today Josie!" he said flirtatiously.

"...and you're rather full of yourself James!" she replied. "What's gotten into you?" she then asked.

"I was hoping it was the warmth you're giving out Josie!" He responded flirtatiously again.

"Boi! Just go do your work!" she said, blushing and shaking her head avoiding any confirmation of registration to her heart.

With that statement, James proceeded to his work desk to begin his day's work. At least he was able to make someone smile today and vice versa—which was all he really needed to fuel him for the rest of the day.

At lunch, James was taken by surprise when Josie asked him to go together. Josie was supposed to go with one of her friends, but she canceled last minute. Josie needed some company, although James wouldn't normally be her first choice of asking—being married and all.

There was only one question James asked Josie before he actually answered her plea and that was "My car or yours?"

Josie always had an issue with guys and their cars, so since then, she'd always rather take her vehicle to go anywhere. As they entered her SUV, he asked Josie "Where to?" Josie knew this spot in the city that made the best burgers and fries, so she decided to take James there for the experience of his life.

Brian's Bad Boy Burgers and Fries was the name highlighted on the illuminated sign. "I had never come across this place before!" said James to Josie.

"Maybe because you weren't hungry enough!" replied Josie.

"I guess so!" agreed James.

It wasn't anything too fancy on the inside, but it was nice, to say the least. The food smelt welcoming and the staff was friendly as it consisted of Brian himself and his girlfriend Nikisha.

"Who's the lucky guy Josie?" Brian asked.

"Oh, Brian! This is just an associate James!" replied Josie.

"Oh, my bad!" he apologized before asking "What would it be today? Same as always?"

Josie shook her head and ordered for both of us. While we waited, Josie began a most unlikely conversation.

"What is there about me that you like so much?" she asked.

The fire burnt in her eyes as she asked and he knew how serious she was with her question.

"I mean, where do I start?" He started.

"... Your smile, the way you speak, there's just something I can't get over with the way your legs look in those heels!" he continued explaining.

Soon after his response, the fire in her eyes went out and the food had arrived. As they began to eat, James glanced over to Josie and saw her blush as if she was meditating in his answer. Every time she'd glance back, he'd act like he was looking at the city out the windows.

This went on for a while until they finished their meal. James pulled out his wallet but was stopped by Jose's soft fair hands with red pained nails. "I got this one!" she said to him as she flashed a  smile.

He returned his wallet to his back pocket and they returned to the SUV. "Thank you for your truthful answer! I needed that!" she said to him before she put her hand over his and squeezing it for a brief moment before starting the vehicle. It was weird to James that Josie was acting so nice to him all of a sudden, but he also knew that he had gotten a bit deeper into her mind at the moment.

Before he made any more progress, he'd have to find out what he was going to be working with. He needed to know the relationship status between her husband and herself. Now wouldn't be the perfect time to just throw the question on the table, so he waited for the perfect moment to activate the sympathetic card to complete phase one of getting at Josie.

James knew he was wrong—what he was doing, but there was some uncontrollable factor that kept him wanting the closeness of such a sophisticated individual in his life. They returned to work and went separate ways at the office. James had a more manly walk and Josie had a bit of a smile on her face, but some of their colleagues just observed their behavior without uttering a word to each other.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now