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As James noticed the time, he saw that lunch was over and they needed to be back at work before their coworkers started speculating. James allowed Josie to leave first then he followed. Near arrival, he took an alternate route, so that he would arrive a bit later—as to avoid the speculation on a whole.

James purposely arrived ten minutes late from lunch and as he entered, he was greeted by the statement "Sir! You're late!" As he looked back, he saw Josie at her desk. He started to explain himself as getting caught in a bit of traffic on the way back.

"Don't let it happen again!" replied Josie.

he was then dismissed to his desk to finish his work for the rest of the afternoon.

They had to provide an illusion as if they weren't closer than they actually are, especially with Ronald lurking as a serpent in the bushes. The office was a bit quiet for a while after lunch until the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate to the muster point.

Swift walking down six flight of stairs, feet shuffling and a single file line met members of other departments doing just the same and merging with the members of the accounting department. Josie had to leave first from their department as she was the head and therefore the most important.

James couldn't rush to be closer to Josie so instead, he waited his turn and left like everyone else. They arrived at the muster point in approximately five minutes, which was timed by the Assistant Manager of the firm. It was later speculated that it was all a fire drill, but after a half-hour of waiting outside in the sun, the Fire department surveyed the building and found the source of the alarm going off.

They found that someone had tried using the microwave and a plastic bowl was burnt and the smoke triggered it off. Once it was okay to proceed, the other departments of the building returned to their post and the accountants were free to return home at an earlier time.

The best news that had been heard in a while for the accounts met them rushing to their vehicles and screeching off before the bosses changed their minds. Josie looked at James immediately and made her way to her SUV, but she didn't drive off immediately, instead, she messaged James while he went to his vehicle and told him to meet her at the outside of their last meeting place.

They were four hours ahead of traffic-filled roads, so they would make it to their destination quickly once they took the highway. They were both in luck, as the police department didn't decide to fill the highway with speed guns just yet. James caught up to Josie quicker than she'd thought and he even dashed past her to make it to their meeting spot in approximately fifteen minutes.

Josie then arrived five minutes later and idled a few feet away from him. She called James and told him to follow her. They both pulled off, one after the other and four minutes after, Josie pulled into a driveway and so did James. Josie got out with her bag and James bit his shoulders looking at this crazy work of a woman.

How she got him to risk his marriage for her us way beyond him, but the feeling of bliss he feels when he's around her is addicting and he couldn't get enough of it. James then got out of his vehicle and followed Josie inside where he met a desk.

"Go wait on the seat over there babe!" She said to him.

Josie spoke to the girl at the front desk before returning with a bunch of keys and recited the words "Follow me!"

Who was James to ask too many questions? He was just happy to be around Josie for a bit. Upstairs, they met a room and Josie unlocked it and they got in and turned on the lights. As James entered she locked the door behind them and threw her purse on the chair next to the bed.

Josie kicked off her shoes and began undressing, inviting James to do the same. Once she was totally naked, she told him to meet her in the bathroom. James had just figured out what he was about to do and he felt stupid about not figuring it out sooner. He continued undressing then did as Josie asked. He met her already soaping her body and those perfect older breasts, dangled in front of him tempting him to hold them.

She opened the shower and James began wetting his body and as he was soaked properly, she began soaping him as well. Once she got to his genitals, he was erect and she smiled while playing with it. Once they were soap-free, Josie started blowing James passionately playing with his scrotum simultaneously.

James, bundled and held Josie's red hair and guided her to the sweet spot. Once she erected herself, he sucked her breasts and put both index and middle fingers between her legs and drove her wild. Once she was wet enough, he turned her around and bent her over, spreading her legs and penetrating her slowly.

Josie gasped just as slowly as he entered and once he began rhythmically stroking her, she began moaning with satisfaction. Josie then erected herself and pulled him to the bed where she turned to him and angled herself so that her lower body hung off the bed. James held her legs and have her his all. Josie gripped the sheets and bit her lips as she shook her head signaling to him that yes he was doing her just right.

With that confirmation, James went deeper and Josie erected her torso and wrapped her hands around James' neck where she rode him while he stood on both feet. Soon after Josie began growling with satisfaction until she climaxed and just in time since he did as well.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now