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Once James and Sandra returned to work from lunch, James made his way directly to his desk and continued working. Sandra never got a chance to thank James for taking her to lunch, so she thought she'd do so before the workday was over.

James couldn't wait for the day to be over, so he could return home to Keva. Hopefully, she wasn't in one of her psychotic moods. The afternoon was relatively quiet in the office until it was time to leave for the day.

On the way out, Sandra grabbed James' hand and pulled him back allowing the rest of the staff to proceed before she could properly speak to him.

"I just wanted to thank you for taking me to lunch! I never got the chance, so I thought I'd do so before the day was over. After all once Josie returns tomorrow, I won't get the opportunity to be this close to you again!" She explained.

"Firstly, your welcome for the lunch issue and secondly, what are you talking about?" James replied.

"You may have every one of your male counterparts fooled, maybe a few women, but I've seen the way you two look at each other at the office. Before was just a normal friendly flirtatious conversation, but now it's somewhat serious," Sandra explained.

"I don't know what you're speaking about! I've got to go home to my loving wife!" explained James.

As he ran to the elevator, Sandra followed him for a quiet ride to the ground floor. He made his way to his vehicle once they made it down and Sandra's husband was waiting on her at the front. James sped off angrily and exited the compound. On his way home, he pondered on what Sandra was saying and he wasn't angry at her, but the fact that she knows something means that he and Josie's secret relationship were in danger of being exposed.

He had to avoid the speculation for a while which meant avoiding Josie for a moment —which may be a bit difficult since she was his boss. Suddenly, he had gotten a text from Josie. While concentrating a bit more on the phone trying to figure out if he was seeing correctly, he almost had a collision with another vehicle. He then pulled over to the shoulder of the highway and switched off the vehicle in order to read the message.

'Hey! Where are you?' the message read. James responded by text saying 'On the highway'. Josie then rang his phone to which he answered.

"Hey! What's wrong?" James asked.

"I need you, please come to my home. I'll send you the location!" replied Josie.

James was a bit skeptical about meeting Josie in a place where her husband could return any minute, but it sounded important. Once she hung up, the location was received and James was on his way. Firstly, he had to make the turn-off and get back onto the opposite side of the highway to return to Couva.

It took him twenty minutes more to arrive because traffic had already started. He made it, parking his vehicle across the street from the house. Josie peered out from the window and called him inside. Once he had opened the door, he locked it behind him. Josie lived in a nice two storey home, fully furnished, but a bit messy.

"Oh! Excuse the mess! It's normally clean!" she said.

"What happened to you today?" James asked.

Upon observation, he noticed that Josie had marks of abuse on her face, neck, and arms.

"Did your husband do this to you?" James asked.

"Yes he did!" replied Josie.

She began crying and James embraced her. She lay her head on his chest while he embraced her lovingly.

"I feel so safe in your arms!" she started.

"...you won't do this to me right?" she asked.

"I promise you that I won't babe!" replied James.

"Where is he now?" asked James.

"I don't know? He took my SUV and left!" replied Josie.

James wiped Josie's eyes and helped her pack some clothes. Since she doesn't have her vehicle, she'll practically be invisible unless spotted personally. Firstly, James and Josie had to get her somewhere safe, then make a report in the Police Station and obtaining a restraining order against her husband.

Josie's job was also at risk if she doesn't show up in a specific amount of time, so James had to carry Josie to make her report as soon as possible. They left Josie's home and entered James' vehicle. While leaving, James hadn't noticed any neighbors around, so hopefully, there was no one to say what vehicle she had left with.

They made their way to the Police Station first, as that was the most important part of their journey. Once there, Josie was warned of being out in public alone, so James would have to be with her if not always, then most of the time. Once they left the station, James had to find a place that would be safe for Josie to stay.

There's no way she could have come to live with them, as Keva would kill them both. James then decided to go with her to a hotel where she would be safe for the duration of her stay there. Once registered, James went with her for a bit to get her settled. Josie was grateful to James for everything and she embraced him before kissing his lips.

"I never thought I'd ever say this again, but I love you, James! I don't care if we're both married, but I rather share than lose you forever!" explained Josie with tears in her eyes.

"I'm just so lost for words Josie!" Replied James.

"I understand James. It's all so sudden, but situations like this makes me regret not meeting you first. We'd have the best lives together and I know that now!" explained Josie again.

James wiped Josie's eyes and kissed her lips slowly again.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now