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The baby's room was finally completed after eight months of planning and slow labor. With all the added stress, it was understandable why it took this long, but in the end, it came out wonderful. Crib, toys and everything a baby needed was bought and put down, prepared and assembled for the arrival of baby Jonah.

Named after both their great grandfathers-ironically, the name would fit as he would be a blessing to this world one day. James had high hopes for him and would go out of his way to help him achieve whatever goals he set out to achieve in life.

As the time drew nearer for the delivery of baby Jonah, Josie began to worry a bit!

"I never mentioned anything to anyone before now, but I think you deserve to know James!" said Josie.

"What are you talking about love?" asked James.

"Simian! My miscarriage! Fifteen years ago I lost him and it was around this same time during pregnancy! I just don't want a repeat of said tragedy!" explained Josie.

"You have nothing to worry about love, this time it's different! I'm here now and nothing will ever happen to hamper you ever again!" explained James as he kissed her on her forehead.

Josie calmed herself down a bit after that and they began watching television together. Family shows excited both Josie and baby Jonah-since he always kicks during a baby appearance in a movie. Exhausted from the added amount of labor, James sat there with Josie, but before the movie was over, he'd fallen asleep.

"I want sex!" said Josie.

Immediately James opened his eyes as he heard those words. Josie began laughing as his reaction was comedic to her. She got up and ran to the toilet as fast as she could since she couldn't hold her urine for too long anymore. The laughter brought it down a bit quicker than expected, but she made it to the toilet just in time.

As she returned, she called James to the bedroom to lay with her a bit. She wasn't in the mood for sex anymore, so she just wanted to cuddle instead. James didn't mind cuddling, but he was rock hard after being awoken to those words. Josie noticed as she touched him and apologized for being so cruel towards him.

Once she felt like it again, she'll give it to him. It's not like James is bad in bed anyway, so why not give him the pussy whenever he needs it. Josie at this age always needed servicing, but the pregnancy kept her back thus far.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing in the living room. Television, snacks and each other's company was all that they needed to make it through the rest of the day. Josie, although pregnant hadn't put on too much weight except for her punch, and James tried fattening her up with all the junk food.

Once the baby was born, Josie claimed she would begin to gym in order to return to her sexy figure. She couldn't allow Sandra or any of the other sexy women at the office look better than her. Although James and Josie would have a child together, there's nothing stopping him from leaving her for another woman if she doesn't keep herself sexy for her man—not that he hinted anything, but as a precaution.

The insecurity began catching up and Josie began asking questions that irritated James. Luckily he dealt with this type of irritation before, so he knew just how to deal with it.

"If I didn't love you, Josie, I wouldn't have been here today!..." He started.

"...I need you to stop this immediately! I never gave you a reason not to trust me! I'm faithful to you and you're having my child, so can we please continue to be on good terms!" he continued.

Josie walked up to James and embraced him with tears in her eyes. She apologized for being so insecure, but James also knew that her hormones were a mess with this pregnancy, so he apologized as well for being so harsh towards her.

"Get ready babe! We're going for a drive!" said James.

"Where are we going?" Josie asked.

"Just get ready please babe!" replied James.

Once she was ready, James held her hand and walked with her to the car. Once inside, he walked around and switched on the ignition. Once they were on their way, James turned up the radio to the slow music that was playing and began dancing. This always makes Josie blush and giggle since James didn't have that much of a dancing background.

James just started playing the fool and Josie began enjoying herself. They were two corny, fun-loving individuals that met at the wrong time but dared to make things work for the best—the best way to describe their relationship.

James drove for about an hour until they arrived at this cozy spot in town. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it was somewhere effectively away from the house and insecurity. Josie and James held hands as they exited the car and as they proceeded to the building, Josie gripped his hands even tighter.

As he looked at Josie, he saw her face lit up.  They both stood at the spot with the best view and looked at the lights in the distance. James had always loved the view of such mesmerizing lights and Josie had grown to love them as well. It wasn't something that was easy to explain, but it brought a sense of nostalgia to the pair.

The baby was happy as well, by the way, he kicked Josie's stomach during the time they were there. Thank God Josie had forgotten of her insecurity and they were both able to enjoy a bit of time together. Every time James looked at Josie, he can never stop thinking of how lucky he is. The perfect timing and a child on the way was everything he needed in his life.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now