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Josie and James lay naked on the back seat of the SUV reminiscent of the event that they just partook of and it was worth everything that led to this moment in time. Josie then kissed James once more before she began dressing. As James looked at the time, it was already 4 am. It was time to return home, after all, today is a workday.

Josie did twenty over the speed limit as she made her way down the highway. They made it to Couva casualty in less than half an hour where they kissed before she let him return to his vehicle. In less than four hours they would meet again in a professional setting where no one had any idea of their wild night which ended just a moment ago.

At 5:17 am James returned home and proceeded to the bathroom quietly while his wife was still fast asleep. As he was almost taking his shower, the curtains were pulled aside.

"Where have you been James?" Keva asked.

"Last night was one of the guy's birthday and I stayed a bit later than I wanted to because I drank a bit too much," replied James.

"You went out knowing that I was sick, you don't care about me anymore!" Keva shouted as she slammed the bathroom door behind her as she marched out.

James continued his bath, but when he was finished, he realized that Keva had locked the bedroom door refraining him from obtaining his clothes for work.

"Babe I need my clothes for work! Please open the door!" James pleaded.

Keva remained silent in the room as he knocked and that drove James mad. Suddenly, he kicked the door open and she was startled as the door swung and hit the wall. James, breathing heavily, looked at Keva hiding behind the covers and took his clothes for work to the living room to dress.

Before he left for work, he brought some medicine for Keva and a warm cup of tea and layed it on the table on her side of the bed. "Love you, babe! Get better soon!" James said as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

James started the ignition and left for work. As he pulled out the driveway he noticed Keva looking at him from their bedroom window. He continued on his way before he arrived late, trying to ignore the look on his wife's face. There was a bit of traffic on the way to work as there was an early morning accident on the highway.

He had to take a detour and it made him arrive ten minutes later than usual. James ran to the elevator and once he exited, he ran to clock his card before it was recorded as being too late. Once he had made it, he greeted everyone occasionally looking in the direction of Jose's desk.

James had to make everything normal, so he would have to act as he did for the previous months with Josie—at least on work.

"You're looking quite ravishing this morning! Who's the lucky guy?" he asked.

"None of your business, now go do your work and leave me alone!" said Josie.

James returned to his desk and began his work before he got both him and Josie in trouble. Ronald kept his eyes and ears open for anything suspicious between James and Josie, but they were on to his tactics.

James continued to work diligently and on his coffee break, he brought one for Josie as usual. Returning to his desk, Ronald came over and spoke to him before he took his seat.

"So did you meet Khalifa yet?" asked Ronald.

"Should I meet him?" asked James.

"Yes, for messing with his wife!" said Ronald.

"Okay! Enough! I'm not doing any of those things okay! I'm a married man and I respect my vows. Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do!" James exclaimed.

Ronald was then called by Josie and warned of disciplinary actions then sent back to his desk to complete his work for the day. James saw exactly that Ronald was warned and he continued working with a smile on his face. Soon it was time for lunch and James invited Josie to meet him at the food mall via text.

He had to find ways to continue being inconspicuous while courting Josie, so a text was just the beginning of such a plan. She agreed to his offer and did as he said. He ordered the garlic potatoes and Bbq chicken for them both, so as soon as Josie arrived, they would have been given enough time to get to know each other a bit more.

Josie and James sat enjoying their meal and James decided to utter, "such a messy eater!" as Josie tried to wipe her mouth, James chuckled "It's not there! It's here!" and put a bit of garlic sauce on her nose before wiping it off.

"Haha very funny!" Replied Josie. James couldn't help himself, Josie was even cuter when she appeared worried. Just then Josie asked, "So what happened when you got home this morning?" to which he replied, "I got in the shower and my wife got offended that I went to one of the guy's birthday events instead of being home sleeping next to her!"

"You dog you! You told her you went to one of your friend's birthday events?" replied Josie.

"Well I had to say something, didn't I?" asked James.

"Well it's better than saying you had sex with your boss!" she said.

"That's true!" replied James as he held her hand under the table.

Just then Josie began staring into his eyes and he believed she could feel every emotion he has in his heart toward her. She squeezed his hand before she let it go and just then one of Josie's girlfriends came up to them.

"Hey Josie!" she said as she continued walking—as not to bother her on her lunch.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now