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James had awoken to the vibration of his phone. As he looked around, he noticed that he had fallen asleep with Josie in his arms. They were fully clothed, which meant they hadn't done anything sexual tonight. James reached for his phone and noticed that he had missed five missed calls from his wife.

Thinking of an excuse before he returned the call, James gently removed his arm from under Josie's head and replaced it with a pillow. He then opened the door and returned his wife's call.

"Hey, babe! Sorry I missed your call. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"No nothing is okay! You're not here with your wife!" she replied.

"I'm a bit tied up at the moment, but as soon as I'm free, I'll come home okay love!" He explained.

Angry at him, Keva hung up the phone and James returned inside. Josie was still asleep, but she had just opened her eyes with the draft of the wind from outside.

"Where did you go?" asked Josie.

"Just to return my wife's call!" replied James.

"Are you going to spend the rest of the night with her?" Josie asked.

"I think you need me a bit more than her right now!" replied James.

Josie smiled and kissed his lips while tears rolled down the side of her face. James held her tight and kissed her forehead assuring her that everything was going to be okay. Josie smiled as she tried wiping away her tears, but the more she wiped, the more came down.

It hurt that even though Khalifa and Josie were separated, he put his hands on her for no apparent reason. He was an ignorant and jealous minded individual that beats women. If Josie knew that earlier, she'd have never been married to such a man.

James was enraged looking at what Khalifa did to Josie, but if he'd approach him then the news would eventually be spread around the office and putting their relationship at risk. Deep down James knew what they were doing was wrong, but he'd fallen too deeply in love with Josie to stop now. She was like his drug that he'd gotten addicted to.

James looked at the time and saw it was actually 1 am, so he told Josie that they were going to get something to eat. Josie didn't want to leave the comfort of the room, but with a little persuasion, they both got into the bathroom to take a nice cool bath. James wanted a bit of sex, as he saw Josie naked with those perfect breasts and that shaped body, but he'd have more chances of getting his share of sex when she's feeling herself again.

Once they were clean, James and Josie changed and went to the car. They pulled off going to the cross since that would be the only place to get food at this current hour. Josie held on to James' hand all the way to the cross and when they arrived, she chose not to exit the vehicle.

James couldn't be angry at her for it since she's been through an ordeal and doesn't feel herself at the moment, but he was responsible for her safety at this current moment and didn't want anything to happen to her, so he kept an eye on her while buying the food.

Josie noticed Ronald buying food as well and she lowered her head as not to be seen in the vehicle. By the time James noticed, Ronald was already behind him.

"You're out late!" said Ronald.

"Yeah, just buying a bit of food!" James responded.

"Buying for two I see!" Said Ronald again.

"Well I do have a wife, after all, Ronald!" replied James.

"Don't you have somewhere to be Ronald?" Asked James.

"Actually no, but I can take a hint!" said Ronald as he started to walk away.

"Oh! And tell Josie I said hi!" said Ronald from afar.

Once James had finished buying the two burgers and fries he ordered, he returned to the car.

"Did Ronald see you?" asked James.

"I don't believe so!" replied Josie.

"That fool tried picking my mouth again!" said James angrily.

He switched on the ignition and proceeded to Couva once more to get to the hotel. Luckily they both had a good night's nap before this trip or James would have been too tired to return to Couva. It took James twenty minutes to return to the hotel and he made sure to park in the lower level car park as not to be spotted for the night.

As they arrived upstairs, they got into the room as quickly as possible and locked the door behind them. Josie began eating her burger at once and so did James. Once finished, they sat up on the bed and flicked on the television. An old romance movie was showing, so they decided to watch until they fell asleep. With Josie in James' embrace, she held his hand and occasionally kissed it.

She looked at him and once he'd looked down she'd kiss his lips.

"Would you leave Keva for me James?" asked Josie.

"Honestly, I've never thought of that up to this point!" replied James.

"It's okay James, I wasn't asking for a response immediately anyway!" Josie explained.

Kissing his hands, she told him "I'm glad you decided to stay here with me!" to which he replied, "I wouldn't have left you alone after what you've been through!" Josie was at peace once she was with James and she honestly didn't care about anything else once he was around.

James had become her drug as well and she was also addicted to him.

"Without you in my life, I wonder where I'd be?" pondered Josie.

"I'm not sure, but right now we're here and that's all that matters!" replied James.

With that conversation, they both lay to sleep. James embracing Josie while she lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat until she fell asleep a while later.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now