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Before leaving work, James would often find himself at Josie's desk, where he'd ask "What's for dinner tonight dear?" and Josie would respond "We'll be ordering out tonight!" James would act as her husband and respond by saying "I'm fed up with ordering out, I need some home-cooked food—Macaroni pie and stew chicken would be fine love!"

The menus would be different every time but Josie's response would always be the same. She'd blush at him before saying "Boy! Go home and let your wife cook that if you want!" Unknowing to her, he placed a few recipes in her mind for if she'd decided to cook any of them and offer him, he'd know exactly where he stood with her at that point in time.

Josie was one of the brightest of bulbs when it came to her work, but with men, she struggled dearly—a sucker for love, or so to speak. Before James left, Josie would ask "If you're going Couva I'll take a ride home!" but James was going in the opposite direction and his wife was expecting him soon, so he couldn't give her the ride home she wanted.

Maybe one day, he'd take her up on the offer but for now, he'd leave her wanting that ride home. Feeling good about himself and the feeling of being wanted, James drove home listening to one of his R and B playlists. As he flicked his indicator to signal to turn into his street, he mentally prepared himself for his role as a husband.

James often changes his personality according to the circle he associates with at the point in time and it is a feature that he cherishes dearly. He arrived home and his wife welcomed him with open arms. He kissed her lips and embraced her lovingly before he made his way to the bedroom to change.

As he returned to the dining room, he was greeted with a hot meal. Fried rice, Mexican chicken, and baked beans. He loved when his wife cooked since she made all the meals from her heart. He tried his best to keep her happy, but there was something about her that James started to dislike.

He wasn't sure, but whatever it was, he'd try ignoring it. It's not like James didn't love his wife, but with all the unnecessary quarreling for mediocre things and the fact that she wasn't a person to communicate until she explodes with anger, made him a bit distant.

For now, they were happy—as couples should be, but he knew soon she'd start an argument. As he had finished his meal, he took the dishes to the kitchen sink where some were already being washed. "I'm not your slave okay James!" she uttered angrily.

"I saw you washing the dishes, so I put mine as you were already there!" replied James.

"You could have kept me company at least, but no! I'm sure you're off to the bedroom to pick up your phone!" she explained.

"Actually I was going to the bathroom because I'm feeling sticky and uncomfortable Luv!" replied James again.

"Probably going to wash some office hoe's scent off of you that's why you're feeling that way!" she replied.

As he retreated to the bathroom all he could do was shake his head. He was angry, but Keva needed to be excused a bit today. James wasn't in the mood for all this unnecessary arguing right about now, hopefully, a cold shower would rejuvenate his spirits a bit.

James took a while in the shower before he returned to the bedroom. He soaked and meditated a bit—which was always a routine whenever he and Keva weren't seeing eye to eye.

Once in the bedroom, James dried off and changed his clothes before making his way back to the living room. There, his wife sat watching some sort of series on Netflix.

"What's that you're watching dear?" He asked while taking a seat next to her.

Keva, instead of speaking, remained silent while she continued watching the television.

"Babe! You heard me?" He asked again, but again no response.

She was giving him the silent treatment, which he hated so much. James took up himself and retreated to the bedroom once more to watch something else on his mobile device since he wasn't in the mood for television anyway.

Eventually, he knew he'd fall asleep, but for now, his mind was at unrest as he wasn't seeing eye to eye with Keva. He started pondering if Josie would have been like this with him for the simplest of issues, but then again—Josie doesn't appear to have the time to dwell on such mediocre issues such as this.

He was tempted to text her, but he refrained as he wasn't sure if she'd been around her husband at this current time. After all, it was already nine at night and these hours are considered lovemaking hours. James just kept his thoughts to himself and stuck in his headphones, so that he can listen to some jazz music until he fell asleep.

With his eyes closed, he could sense himself drifting away to sleep, but that was soon interrupted by Keva who had woken him up to tell him to move around. Keva wanted the edge of the bed closest to the door and he had occupied her space. As he shifted himself around, she took her place and as James maneuvered himself closer to her and his arms went around her, Keva flung it back to him.

"Please don't touch me!" She sternly said.

"... But why can't I hug you to sleep?" He asked.

"Just don't please, I'm not in the mood!" Keva said again in a Hostile manner.

James turned his back and closed his eyes, but soon he realized that his phone needed charging. He got off the bed and hooked it up to the charger before returning for at least a night's rest for work tomorrow.

Transcript For Courting- Book 1: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now