Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Padme and Poe sat in the transport, cuffs on their wrists. Padme looked around her, examining possible escapes. She looked at the cockpit, piloted by the computer and manned with two troopers and their blasters. She examined her cuffs, looking for an escape. She counted the stormtroopers; 6. Easy, she thought. She looked at Poe, but he didn't look back at her. He simply stared at the ground, slipping a glance at the troopers around him.

"Requesting landing," Asked one of the troopers in the pilot seat.

"Access code?" The other side asked. She made sure to listen to the next part in case it was important. But instead, the stormtrooper inserted a small slip into a keyhole. "Access granted. Enter bay 2," They commanded.

Padme realized it was now or never, and got ready to attack. She shifted in her seat and kicked the trooper's face across from her. She stood up and wrapped her cuffs around a second's throat and kicked back at another.

Just as Poe began to stand up and fight with her, a tazor was shot at Padme's back and her vision went black.


Padme woke to yelling. Her eyes shot open to find herself in a chamber, strapped to an upright table. Her eyes were drawn to something next to her, the voice. Poe. Her heart started racing. They had been captured. Someone was picking at him, punching him, burning him. They were torturing him.

"Poe!" She said but immediately regretted it when the man's yelling stopped.

"Oh good, you're up," A man much taller than her with a strange accent walked to her with something in his hand. "Maybe you'll talk," He brought his hand up to her shoulder. She realized what was in his hand. It was an old torture tactic used by the Empire. A hot rod slowly entered into the forearm. It was one of the most bloody tactics that was used. He brought it to her arm and let it rest on her skin. She felt her skin melt under its touch, and not in a good way. She began to scream, the pain from the rod drowning out any sound she could hear, including Poe's weak protests from his table. Her eyes squeezed shut, utter pain shooting throughout her body. He lifted the rod and asked her something. "You will tell me where the map is," he spat. His phrasing reminded her of something.

"No," She said with as straight of a face she could. She silenced all sounds in her head except for his. She connected herself to him through the force. "You will leave this cell and tell the guards you found nothing," She finished. She noticed his back straighten up. He dropped the rod and repeated what she said.

"I will leave this cell and tell the guards I found nothing," He turned to the control panel and opened the door. "I found nothing," He stated. The guard she could see looked at the other and nodded. What she heard next was worse than the pain she felt just five seconds earlier.

"Call Ren, tell him she's a Jedi."

The doors slammed closed.

"Oh no," Padme said. She turned to Poe and tried to escape her bindings, but had no luck. She was too weak now to use the force for anything else. She hadn't practiced any mind tricks since she had left training. It took all the energy she had left.

"Padme," Poe started. "How did you do that?"

"Training," She let her head drop back. "With my father, although I don't think it helped to use it. Ren is coming."

"Yeah, I got that." He tilted his head back. Padme listened. Her heart dropped even lower. Clanking on the ground. That's all she heard. She reached out to find Kylo Ren, but what she found was something she didn't expect. Darkness, yes, but also worry, confusion, light. The light is what shocked her the most.

"He isn't gone," She muttered, right before the clanking stopped. She was suddenly shut out, cut off from feeling him. The doors opened again, but instead of two guards was the face of the First Order, Kylo Ren.

He stepped forward, his boots echoing in the room. The door closed behind him, strengthening the echo and darkening the room. He stopped in front of Poe.

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board," He said. He walked to Padme and looked her up and down. "Or a Jedi," He stated. She snarled in his face. He looked back at Poe. "Comfortable?" He asked.

"Not really," Poe said.

"I'm impressed," He looked between the two. "Your trick with the Enem was impressive, though sloppy." He said, looking Padme directly in the eyes, though she didn't know that. Turning to Poe, he said his second remark. "No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map."

"Might wanna rethink your technique," Poe said with a cocky undertone. Ren reached out at Poe. His body tensed. Padme's did too, trying to escape. She could feel the pain radiating off him, but he was trying to cover it up.

"Where is it?" Kylo Ren whispered to him.

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you," He managed to say through his clenched jaw.

Where," Ren was frustrated. "Is it?" He upped the pain and Poe started to scream in agony. But he was stubborn, and Kylo Ren knew it. He let go when Padme started to scream for him to stop. She was crying, screaming for him to let go of Poe. She could feel the pain in him, it was immense. Her body was exhausted by the time Kylo let him go. He took a deep breath and reached out to her this time.

"No, no, please," She begged. But her pleas were interrupted by an intense sharp pain in every bone and muscle in her body. She felt like she was being stabbed in every area. Her tears turned to sobs and she screamed in agony as Poe had. Through her tears, she saw Poe start to panic. She managed to mutter a warning to him. "No! Poe, don't!" She said between screams. But her eyes shut as tight as they could, then she was released. She was only conscious for a few seconds, but then the exhaustion took over her body.


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