Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Padme!" She heard Finn yell at her. Footsteps approached her.

"I'm alright Finn. Should have been buckled," Padme chuckled.

"Are you sure?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I think you have a bigger problem on your plate," She laughed and looked at struggling Chewie. "You want help?" She offered.

"I actually just finished."

Right then, chaos erupted for the millionth time that day. Alarms sounded and lights flashed everywhere. Padme watched the wookie across the room yelp and Finn ran to his aid. He worked at the bandage to make sure it was secure.

"What's happened this time?!" Padme shouted to the crew again. Chewie howled again when Finn tried to bandage him up better. Padme watched as the two droids ran out of the room so they didn't get used as target practice for the now infuriated Chewbacca, who started to attack Finn.

"Chewie, come on!" He shouted. Turning to Padme, he requested assistance with the wookie. "I need help with this giant hairy thing!" Chewie flinched again. "Stop moving! Chewie!" He was getting frustrated. The alarms were beginning to be drowned out by the shouting in front of her.

"You hurt Chewie, you're gonna deal with me!" they heard Han shout from the other cabin. Padme couldn't help but snicker a bit. If anyone got hurt, it would be Finn.

"Hurt him?! He almost killed me six times!" He struggled with the wookie, who grabbed him and roared in his face. "Which is fine," Finn backed off and turned to the girl. "Are you gonna help me?" He was going crazy. The alarms everywhere weren't helping anything.

"Yeah, sure," Padme hopped off the chair and walked to her old friend and new one, fighting over who was dominant. "Finn, stop fighting, Chewie stop trying to kill him," She said calmly. They both calmed down at Padme's suggestion.

"How'd you do that?" Finn asked her in shock. He backed up quickly from the big hairy wookie and stood behind Padme, grabbing his arm. Suddenly, the alarms stopped.

"And look at that!" Padme was relieved the chaos had ceased. She did one final lookover with Chewie to make sure he was going to be okay.

Han walked into the lounge area, passing BB7.

"Move, Ball," He said. Padme scoffed.

"They have names, you know," She snapped at him. "Droids," He ignored her. She walked back to the bench and crossed her arms. Han looked over his friend. "He's fine, I checked him," She told her uncle, but he ignored her again.

"Yeah well you don't really like me right now so I want to check your work."

"Yeah, you. Not Chewie," She was going insane. They needed to talk, they both knew it, but neither was about to start the conversation. Chewie spoke to Han.

"Nah, don't say that, you did great. Just rest," Han turned to Finn, who had found a seat next to Padme at the holochess table.

"Good job, kid. And thanks," He payed Finn a thanks.

"Wow. Was that painful for you?" Padme asked. She was truly surprised.

"You're welcome," Finn took the complement and tried to play it cool, but pressed a button on the set, turning it on. Padme was flooded with memories of her and her cousin, playing on this table when they were kids. The pieces started to fight, just as they had been told to all those years ago.

That move was hers, just before Luke had seen them playing and hiding out on the ship. They had wanted to take a break from training, go on a circuit or two with Han. She had played a counter attack, putting Ben in checkmate. She remembered the scene as clearly as day.

"Checkmate, Ben," She mumbled. Her heart was broken once again.

Finn tried to turn the table off, fumbling with the controls. Padme smiled and placed her hands on his. "Stop, it's over here," She was calm to Finn, but inside he had just tore open a wound she had hoped would never be opened again. Her cousin was a Dark Side Commander, and nothing could stitch up her heart this time.

"So, fugitives, huh?" Han broke the silence.

"The First Order wants the map," Rey explained. "Finn is with the Resistance," Rey told him. Padme smiled at what Rey thought was the truth. She kicked Finn under the table. He looked at her with a mix of betrayal, amusement and genuine pain.

"I'm just a scavenger," Rey told Han, who gave Finn a look.

"Let's see whatcha got," Han walked to BB-8 and requested the information. He looked at Padme.

"Go ahead," she said. BB-8 rolled to the center of the room and a holographic map was projected from his body. Star systems, planetary sistems, stars, moons, everything was projected into the room. Blue light was reflected into everyone's faces. Padme stood up, awe taking over her. She had never seen things like this.

"This map's not complete. It's just a piece," She noticed.

"Ever since Luke disappeared, people have been looking for him," Han finished her thought.

"Including me," Padme said. Rey looked at her confused. Padme realized her friend was in the dark as to who her family was, but that was a long story for another time.

"Why'd he leave?" She asked the group.

"He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice turned against him, destroyed it all," Padme looked at her uncle, who was explaining the fall of his son to the Dark Side. "Luke felt responsible. He walked away from everything," Han looked at Padme in return. At that moment, they knew they would have that chat soon. They both needed it. No matter now much one was hurting, the other was too.

"Do you know what happened to him?" Finn asked Padme, knowing if anyone knew where the man was, it would be her.

"There're a lot of rumors. Stories," She explained. "The people who knew him the best think he went looking for the first Jedi temple," Finn grabbed her hand. He could tell she was hurting, he knew what it felt like to not know where his parents were. He realized he didn't know her mother's story, but he also knew not to push.

"The Jedi were real?" Rey asked, oblivious of the tension in the room.

"I used to wonder that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo," Han tried to lighten up. "Magical power holding together good, evil, the dark side and the light," He took a deep breath. "Crazy thing is, it's true," Padme looked to her friends, making sure she saw their reactions to the news. To be honest, she had never heard him admit it herself. "The Force, the Jedi, all of it. It's all true."

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