Chapter 1

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Louis POV

As I pull up to the beach house I can't help but to run my fingers though my hair. I'm super nervous about meeting with Harry today. It has been almost 4 years since we have been in the same place let alone had a proper conversation, other than a few texts back and forth.

Pulling up to the gate of the house I press the intercom button.

"Can I help you"

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, I..I'm here to see Har...Mr. Styles"

"Come on in"

The gate opens and I pull up the driveway to the beautiful beach house in Malibu. "Wow" I think to my self, Harry sure is staying in a nice place. As I park the car I sit there for a minute, taping my fingers on the steering wheel, going over in my head everything I want to say to him before I go in. Although he was the one to reach out to me I have a lot I need to talk to him about. For starters I'm releasing my first solo album and most of the songs are about him. I don't want him to be surprised when he hears them for the first time. I also have other news that he needs to hear. I take one last look in the mirror before slowly getting out of the car.

Ringing the door bell I look around at the view. "Wow, this really is nice" I think out loud.


His voice is like deep wonderful waves washing over me. It brings me back to a time when everything made sense in my life. I can't help but to feel like I was lost and now I'm home.

I turn around and look at his beautiful face the same yet different since the last time I saw him. He look older but not to much older. His hair is short but still long enough to have some curls, just how I like it, I mean I like his hair no matter how it looks but I love his curls the best. His eyes are still that beautiful green that I always would get lost in. Oh and his smile, so beautiful with his dimples, that I just want to poke. He is wearing a yellow and white button up shirt with a white tank shirt under it, with some plan brown pants. He look casual yet very nice at the same time. He was still my Hazza, just beautiful.

"Um Louis?, you ok?"

Crap, I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm good" I smile at him and it's the first time I've really smiled in like years.

"Come in" he smiles back at me opening the door up so I can walk past him.

I take a look at the living room in front of me it's very open. The kitchen and dining room conjoined with the living room. It's what they call an open floor plan in America. Everything is right in one. I kind of like it, makes it easier to entertain guess. The living room has a Grand piano on the far side right in front of very large windows that over look the water. Than there is a chair and a couch,both in a cream color, that set in between the piano and the dinning area. Behind the couch is a large glass door that goes out on to the patio that overlooks the water. It's real a breathtaking view.

"Would you like some tea, or water" Harry offers as he heads for the kitchen.

"Um tea would be lovely" I say as I scold myself for saying lovely. When do I every say lovely. Crap Lou pull it together. I walk over to the dining room table and take a seat and start to fidget with my fingers again.

Harry's POV

He looks super nervous, just sitting at the table with his hands sitting on top of the table. He was fidgeting with his fingers and I couldn't help but to think of how much I wanted to go over a hold his hand in mine. He looked so good with his short wispy hair. Not to short but not to long, just long enough to run his fingers through and mess it up. I thought to myself with a smile as he ran his fingers though it. He was wearing a simple black shirt with his usual tight jeans. Oh how I love those jeans on him the hug his bum in all the right ways. I wish I could just go over and hug him before we started the talk we are about to have but I can't because he is no longer mine to hug he hasn't been since we broke up.

January 2016

"Lou will you please just talk to me about it"

"No... Harry I can't, I don't want to spend time apart from you and I don't want to do these stupid stunts anymore"

Louis was so up set, management had just got done telling us that we needed to do more stunts. One involving me and Kendall. The other had to do with Louis dating a new girl and more baby drama. He hated doing stunts that involved him and his soon to be fake child. The baby that they were trying to pass as Louis was actually Briana's and her boyfriend at the time. They tried to pass it off as Louis but the fans could see though that shit but they still pushed it. Louis also really hated fake girlfriends, as he had to play it off that he was dating Eleanor for most of our relationship and when they finally got to "breakup" he now had to date a new girl.

" I know Lou it's not fair but the contract is not up tell March, so we kind have to"

" we won't survive this Harry!" he yelled at me " not this time!"

" what do you mean?" I said almost in a whisper " I thought we could survive anything"

"Harry it's just to much... I thought with this hiatus we could finally be free to be ourselves, but it's just more shit" he takes a deep breath and looks at me "if you go along with this Harry, I'm done I can't do it anymore.... I'm not strong enough"

I take a deep breath and run my hands though my hair. I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Lou I just don't see any way around it..... I don't want to loss you but we signed a contract and I..I don't know what to do other than to go along with it." I sigh as the tears start to run down my cheeks.

"Ok then I have my answer" he says with tears in his eyes. He than gets up and walked out of the room and out of my life.

End flashback

Thinking about that day, I should have gotten up and followed him. I should have made him see that it was going to be ok and that he was the most important person in my life and I would throw it all away for him. I was so stupid not to get up and follow him. We only had a few text messages between us since that day, finally about two days ago I gave in and text him saying I needed to see him to talk to him about something and to my surprise he agreed. He said he needed to talk to me too. I'm not sure what about but I've heard a few of his new singles so I can only guess it's about us. I walk over to the table and put his tea down in front of him.

"Ok so do you want to start or should I" I say before he has a chance to speak. He looks at me and says "go head"

Authors note

So here is chapter one, I hope everyone likes it I had fun writing it. Reminder this is my first book ever so please be nice and I hope there aren't to many mistakes.

Chapter two coming really soon

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