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5 years later

Louis POV

It's a cold day today and I'm freezing right now. I'm sitting in the music room. It's a good size room with a piano and a few guitar's hanging on the wall, it also has a small sound Booth in the corner, in case we need to record something. I look up from the desk that I'm sitting at to look at the window. I can see that it was left open and I shake my head. Harry is always forgetting to close the windows after opening them, and today was a very cold for even London.

I get up from the desk and go to the window and close it. I go back to the desk and grab my jumper off the chair and throw it on. I sit back down at the desk and look at the time. It's about 10 am. I hope Harry will be back soon because we need to leave by 11. Or we will be late and Zayn will freak out at me.

He has been texting me all morning to make sure I will be on time. I grab my phone to call Harry and as I'm about to hit the call button I hear the front door open and laughter ringing thought the house. It makes me smile because that laugh is my favorite.

I walk out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen where I here the two people laughing, one of them a lot higher than the other, as I walk in my leg gets grabbed by two small hands. I smile big as I look down at the little girl hugging my leg.

"Hi! Daddy I missed you." She giggles as I pick her up.

"Hi, Darcy! Did you have fun at grandmas?"

She giggles and wiggles to get out of my arms. She's a very active 3 year old and hates when I hold her for to long because she rather run free. I put her down and kiss her light brown curly hair. She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes and walks over to Harry.

"Yes, I had fun auntie Gigi was there."

She turns and runs out of the kitchen and into the living room, to play. Harry just smiles at her as she leaves. She looks a lot like him the only thing that is close to me is her hair color. We had him donate and my sister Lottie gave us one of her eggs, so that we could have both of us in a way be part of her. We than had a surrogate to carry. It was the best thing we ever did because now she's like us both, in a way. She looks like him but had my attitude all the way.

I walk over to Harry and bring him into my body holding him close and kissing his neck. He sighs and rests his head on top of mine as we hug for a minute.

"I missed you." I say pulling back from the hug kissing his lips.

He smiles and laughs a little.

"I was only gone an hour."

"I know but I still missed you. How was your mom and Gemma. Did they enjoy Darcy staying the night?"I pull away from him and walk over to the table and sit down. "Oh and please tell me you picked up the suits and the dress for Darcy."

He laughs again and walks over and sits next to me.

"Yes I got the suits and the dress, my mom and Gemma are good, however they did look a little tired" he laughs again and gets up from the table. He walks over to the counter and grabs a cup from the counter and gets a cup of tea. "They said to say hi and they will see you later today. Oh and Gemma said that the doctor called her and she's going in next week to do the egg extraction, so you need to go to the clinic and do your part next week before Wednesday."

He turns and winks at me and I smile back.

"Oh, ok I'll go on Monday then." I say getting up and walking over to the living room door so I can look a Darcy playing on the floor.

I hear foot steps behind me and than Harry is putting his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest. My back to his front as he rest his head on my shoulder.

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