Chapter 8

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Louis POV

The whole next day seemed to drag on. I was nervous for my date tonight. I feel like this date was going to be the make it or break it for me and Harry. I'm not sure why I feel that way but I just do.

It's was around 3 in the afternoon and I still had some time before Harry was supposed to be there and I was trying to figure out if I should call my new management. I wanted to see if I could move somethings around so I could get to London faster. I wanted to spend as much time with Harry if I was going to get him to fall in love with me again. I was setting on the couch blindly staring at the Telly when my phone rang.


"Hey, Louis. How are things?"

"Good, John. I actually was about to call you."

"Oh...really, well I guess I was reading your mind." John was laughing on the other end of the line.

I really like my new management, they are closer in age to me, like in there 30s. They are a newer management company but I like that they understand me and are supportive of the things I want to do. They treat me like an equal and not like a child, the way modest does.

"Sooo... why are you calling me?" I ask wondering what was going on to make them call.

"Well Louis, we need to change your schedule a bit, if that's ok?"

I smile to myself because I'm usually not asked if I'm ok with a schedule change. I'm used to just being told to be some where and don't ask questions. I lean forward on the couch resting my elbow on my knee.

"What kinda change?" I ask taking a deep breath, hoping this won't interfere with my plans to go to London sooner.

"Well.... we are canceling your interviews and promos for the next 2 weeks....."

"Why?" I say interrupting him.

"Just let me finish." John takes a deep breath and chuckles lightly.

"Ok..sorry, go on."

"We need you to go to London on Sunday."

A big smile stretches across my face. I can't believe it, I get to go to London and I didn't even need to ask. Someone was looking out for me.

"Really! Why?" I'm being a little yo excited but I hope John doesn't notice.

"Well, I can't give you all the details right now but there is a big meeting there and we need you at it."

"Oh....ok, sounds good. I guess I will make plans to leave on Sunday." I say setting back and looking at the ceiling.

"Oh... Louis, you can't tell anyone that your plans changed. We have a private flight set up for you and it's leaving at 1 am on Sunday morning. The meeting is on Monday, we will send you an email with all the details of where and when it is....ok?"

"Sure, John. Sounds good." I hang up the phone and take a deep breath.

Why does it have to be a secret.

I rub my hand down my face. Well I hope whatever it is it's not bad. I don't need any snags in my overall plan right now.

I'm read for Harry to show up. I've taken a shower and I'm dressed quite snazzy. At least I think I am. I'm dressed in a blue button down shirt, with the sleeve rolled up. I have on a nice pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black converse shoes. I'm fixing the last bit of my fringe into place when I hear the doorbell ring. I half run to the door.

When I pull it open, Harry is standing there and I think my heart literally stops. He looks so good. He has a white button up shirt on with a black suit jacket over it. The white shirt is only buttoned up half way, exposing the upper part of his chest. He has on black dress pants and black velvet boots. His hair is slicked back, giving it a slight wave but not to many curls. I can tell, however, that he is trying to grow his hair back out.

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