Chapter 19

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Louis POV

I slowly opened my eyes. My head was killing me and there was an annoying beeping in my ear. As the room came into focus I could see that I was in a hospital bed. I looked to my side and saw the heart Monitor nexts to me. Oh that's the beeping. I sifted my eyes back over to the window. I could see Niall and Liam sitting on the couch in front of it. They were both leaning into each other talking quietly. They didn't look at me so I don't think they knew I was awake.

I tried to move my hand then I felt something in it. I looked down to see what it was and I saw the top of Harry's beautiful head. He was leaning on the bed his head resting on my forearm and I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not his face was turned towards the bottom of the bed. One of his hands was in mine. I picked up my other hand and reached it across the bed and I ran my hand though his hair. As soon as my hand touched his hair he slowly looked up and faced me. Our eyes connected, green meeting blue.

"" I choked out my throat felt very raw.

I gave him a small smile but he started to cry. At that point both Liam and Niall where up from where they were sitting and now stood by the bed. I looked at them a little confused than I brought my hand up to Harry's face and wiped his tears.

"W-Why.?" I coughed a little "Why are you crying and why am I here?"

My voice was low and crackly like I haven't had anything to drink in weeks. I rubbed my throat and looked at Harry. Liam moved form the side of my bed a grabbed a cup of water. He handed it to Harry who gave it to me. I took a few sips as Niall started to talk.

"Well.... you where out with Eleanor. Do you remember that?"

I looked over at Niall and nodded. I did remember that I was on a pap walk with El and that she wanted to get a drink as kind of a farewell.

"Well you where at a bar with her and Grimshaw was there. Do you remember that?"

I try to think. I kind of remember seeing him in the bar but I didn't talk to him. I shake my head yes.

"Well Nick put something in your drink." I put my hand up to stop Niall from talking.

"I was drugged?" My voice coming out a little clearer now.

Harry squeezed my hand and ran his other hand up my arm.

"Lou? What do you remember last?" Liam asked his voice sounding off.

"Um... I was with Eleanor and we went to get a drink as a farewell, and she took me to a bar. I remember her getting a text when we were out on the pap walk and then she suggested the drink. We were sitting in the bar and I remember seeing Nick across the room but he didn't come talk to me." I squinted my eyes seeing if I could remember something else. "Um El went to the bathroom and she came back with a drink and I thought she got if from a fan. She looked like she took a drink than she handed it to me. I drank it than I faintly remember hearing a mans voice but..... after that nothing and now I'm here."

I looked around the room at all of them and they all looked really upset. Harry squeezed my hand again as Niall started talking again.

"Well I guess Nick drugged you so he could get you to do things with Eleanor."

I froze and my whole body tensed up at his words.

"What...what did I do?" My voice was so small and quiet I'm surprised they heard me.

Liam looked at Harry who pulled his phone out of his pocket. He opened it and turned it towards me. I brought my hand up to my mouth and shook my head. There were about 5 pictures of me kissing Eleanor and not just kissing but full on snogging her. Than there was 2 of her straddling my lap and giggling but in those ones I looked way out of it. I looked at Harry and started to cry.

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