Chapter 14

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Nick's POV

I'm standing in the dressing room after Harry has walked out. I'm just starting at the flowers and the card sitting on the counter. I read the card as soon as Harry left and for some reason I'm pissed. I can't believe Harry would just take him back. There relationship has been nothing but heart ache for Harry. He gave his all to Louis and he just stomped on him. It just makes me so mad.

I slam my fists down on the counter. I just don't get it, I would be some much better for Harry. I'm openly out and he wouldn't have to pretend with me. Everything wouldn't have to be a secret, maybe I can make him see I'm better for him.

I pick up the card and put it in my pocket.

"I'm going to change things up a little today." I say to myself in the mirror.

I then head out of the room. I walk into the Studio and head for my Producer.

"I'm going to go off script a little today." I whisper to him.

He looks at me a little confused.

"What are you up too Nick?"

"You want a show people will talk about right?"
I wink at him, and he nods at me. "Ok than, trust me."

I walk over to my side of the booth and sit down, putting my headphones on and I'm ready to start the show. Harry maybe a little mad at me after today but hopefully it's worth it.

Harry's POV

I just finished sing adore you acoustic and now I'm sitting across from Nick ready for the interview. It shouldn't be that bad we have per written questions and hopefully Nick sticks to them, I know I made him upset but I'm hoping he doesn't go to far off.

"That was adore you by Harry Styles. So Harry this is your second album and we all want to know where you get you inspiration from?"

Ok so far so good

"Well.... lots of places. From life and the things around me, like most musicians I write from experience."

"Well I've noticed that a lot of the songs on here are about love and heartbreak, so Harry who broke your heart so bad it made you want to write these kind of songs?"

I look at Nick with a confused look on my face. That's a little of script but I'm going to go with it.

"Well..... everything is up for interpretation just because you may think the songs are about that doesn't mean someone else is going to see it the same way, so I'm just going to say we all go through different experiences and I'll leave it at that."

"Ok....ok Harry always dancing around the questions, so let's talk about the song falling. This song seems to be the most about heartbreak so who's the song written about?"

I'm not sure what Nick is up to. He knows that most of the album is probably about Louis but I'm not going to say anything that would hurt Louis. I take a deep breath before I continue.

"Nice try Grimmy, but I'm not giving in. People can guess who it's about."

Nick smiles at me but not like a nice smile like a smile that I can tell he is up to something.

"Well I know that you where just close friends with Camilla so I'm pretty sure it's not about her. Anyway let's move on to the next question."

I laugh a little, thinking I just dodged a bullet. I thought to soon.

"So Harry, I know there are rumors of one direction getting back together, so does that mean we will start to see more Larry moments?"

I pause for a minute and just look at Nick. Why would he ask that, I narrow my eyes at him.

Falling again ( Larry Stylinson )Where stories live. Discover now