Chapter 16

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Louis POV

Last night was amazing. It had been so long sense I've done anything with anyone and I was so happy it was with Harry. This morning when I woke up I felt in complete bliss. My body wrapped around this perfect man that was mine. It was everything I wanted and needed. About ten minutes after I woke up my phone went off and now I'm in the living room talking with the people I hate most in this world.

"Look Sarah, it doesn't matter. The contract is up next month and you will not pull me in for longer. I will do the stunts with El and than we will be done. Got it."

I've been sitting here for the last five minutes listening to her chew me out for everything that happened with Harry and leaving the interviews I was supposed to have, because now people where talking and she wants me to head back to LA tomorrow to do some pap walks with Eleanor.

"Louis as long as you cooperate and do as your told. We won't have any problems. Now you need to get on a plane tomorrow morning and fix this."

As she's talking I look up and noticed that Harry has come in the room with a cup of tea for me. He places it on the table next to the couch and sits down quietly in a chair. His hair is all messed up, in a I just got laid kind a way, and he was only wearing sweat pants. His tattoos standing out against his slightly tan skin. He looked so hot, it was hard to keep my mind on the conversation. "Thank you" I mouth pointing to the tea and went back to my phone call.

"Louis and when it comes time for this to end you better do it right or you will be paying out the ass."

I roll my eyes because I know that if I tell anyone that modest made me stay in the closet all these years, I would be screwed.

"Yeah Sarah, I know. Now what times my flight and how many pap walks are we talking here?"

I can see out of the corner of my eye, Harry shift uncontrollably in his chair. I look over at him and meet his green eyes. He looks a little stressed and sad. I give him a small smile and look back down at the table in front of me. My computer is on it and open to my emails.

"I'm sending you your fight information now and we have to appearances with Eleanor planned for when you get back. I'll send you an email with that information as well. Oh and Louis?"


"Make it look convincing."

With that she hangs up the phone. I sigh and put the phone next to my computer. I then lean my elbow on my knee and run my hands over my face. I feel Harry's arm wrap around my waist as he sits down next to me. He than pulls my body into his side and my head falls on his chest. He than places a small kiss in my hair.

"I'm sorry."

I move my head so I can look at his face.

"For what?"

I places my hand on his cheek and rub my thumb across his face.

"It's my fault that you have to do this." He sighs and closes his eyes.

I can tell his in pain and I don't like it.

"Harry?! Look at me." I say my voice a little loud.

Harry opens his eyes and meets mine.

"Harry not your fault, it's mine. I was stupid to sign with them again after everything that happened but I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry I'm putting you though pictures of me and Eleanor. I'm also sorry that I wasn't strong for you back than. I want to be strong now and I think that's because of you. If anyone is to blame it's me and modest. Not you ok. You make me want to be better and get this over with fast. Now let's go back to bed, I only have you for today and then I won't see you tell my birthday."

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