Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

I haven't heard from Louis since my interview and things where really out of hand. After the interview and not getting hold of Louis, I stayed at home, hoping to hear from him and still there was nothing. I didn't get much sleep last night either. I was up most of the night scrolling through Twitter hoping to find out where Louis was but he was really under the radar, no one could find him. I also tried calling and texting him but nothing.

The media was going crazy as well. They where all talking about me coming out. If any of my girlfriends where real or just for publicity. Then there where the ones talking about Louis and if he really was gay or bisexual. Some where just saying that we had a Close friendship and a Larry stylinson was trending on Twitter.

I was sitting in my living room just staring at my computer. I was so frustrated, I couldn't believe Nick would do this to me but most of all I was upset that he did it to Louis. I was already more out, people had there suspicions about me so it wasn't that big of a deal but Louis was supposed to be in a long term relationship with Eleanor and this was real Messing things up. I'm sure modest was not going to be happy with Louis considering he still had a month and a half of person contact left.

I took a deep breath and shut my computer. I hope Louis was ok, I wish he would just call me...... my though was cut off by a knock on the door. I got up and went to awesome, I was a little confused because I was expecting anyone, so I was hoping it wasn't a fan who got past security again.

"Who is it?" I called out as I approached the door.

"It's me!"

At the sound of Louis voice I practically ran the last few steps to my front door. I through the door open to revile a very tired but lovely Louis standing there. Before I could even think I was pulling him in for a hug. He didn't pull away in fact he hugged me back and tight. I was so happy he was here in my arms.

"Are you ok Haz?"

I pulled back from Louis and looked down at his face. He had concern written all over his lovely features. I pulled him into my house and shut the front door. I than dragged him into the living room than stopped to face him again. I put my hands on his cheeks and stared right into his beautiful blue eyes.

" am I OK?! Lou are you ok? I'm mean I tried to call you but nothing, no one knew where you were or what you were doing. I was losing my mind looking for you." I took my hands off him and started pacing the floor. "Like Louis you where just kinda outed and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry Louis."

Louis just looked at me and than grabbed my arm stopping me from walking. He than pulled me to the couch sitting us both down.

"I'm fine Harry, right after I heard your interview I called my manager to tell him to cancel the rest of the interviews in Mexico that I was coming to see you. He was a little upset but understood. I than immediately got on a plane. I didn't know you where here so after I went by my place and saw you weren't there I came here. I'm sorry I didn't call I just had to get to you. Harry yesterday was supposed to be a good happy day about you music and Nick turned it into an out party." Louis finally took a deep breath and pulled my hands into his.

I looked at Louis who looked really concerned for me. I took a breath and learned into him resting my chin on his shoulder. Louis than wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug. All the stress of the past 24 hours left my body in that moment.

"I'm sorry Louis." Was all I could say as I buried my face in Louis neck.

"Harry, really it's not your fault, it's Nick's and he better hope I don't see him again or I will lay him out flat." Louis tenses a little when he says this.

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