Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

The next 2 weeks went by quick. It was great spending time with Louis over Christmas and New Years. The New Years party was a little hard for me because there were a lot of people and Louis had to be by Eleanor when someone turned on a camera but as soon as it was off he was by my side. He had one more stunt he had to do before the break up. That stunt was today so he was out.

I was sitting on the couch at his place or should I say our place. I had decided to get rid of my house and move back in with him. This had started up a few rumors but I didn't care because Louis didn't care. I liked his place more than mine, it felt more like home.

I was scrolling though Twitter. I was bored without Louis and wanted to see what the fans were up to today. As I was looking at an old video off one direction, I saw a new tweet pop up. It was a picture of Louis holding Eleanor's hand. He had a smile on his face but it was the stunt smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes. It looked fake and from the comments under the picture the fans could tell.

I moved past the picture to look at another old picture from the old days when, my notifications lit up again. I saw that Louis had mentioned me in a tweet.

@ Louis_Tomlinson
@ Harry_Styles don't worry about the rain the clouds will soon go away.

I smiled to myself, I know that Louis was thinking about the pictures of him and Eleanor and that it would hurt me to see them. He always made tweets about the weather when he knew I would be upset. I looked at the post for a minute than I replied.

@ Harry_Styles
@ Louis_Tomlinson rainbows 🌈

It was simply and he would understand. I decided to close up tweet and maybe take a nap. I went to our room and laid down on the bed. I was just staring at the ceiling, thinking about how busy the next week will be with interviews.

We would be heading to LA as a whole band, minus Zayn, in two days. We would be going on James cordon to announce us getting back together,since he was the last show we did before the break, it made sense to start back up with him. At some point in my day dreaming I must have fallen a sleep because I was startled by my phone ringing. I looked at the ID and saw it was Liam calling.

"Hello." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Harry! Are you ok?" The Tone in his voice sounded frantic.

I set up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I must have been a sleep for a while it was dark outside. I looked at the clock next to the bed it said 11:30 on it. I was a little confused. Where was Louis and why didn't he wake me up when he got back.

"I'm fine Liam, what's going on."

I could hear Liam talking to someone next to him but I didn't know what he was saying. I frowned and got out of bed.


I could hear him take a breath before he talked to me again.

"Have you been on Twitter or watched the news?"

"No, why?" I was making my way to the living room looking around for Louis as I did so.

"Just go look at Twitter than call me back."

With that the phone went dead. I was really confused and Louis was no where to be found in our flat. I sat down on the couch and opened my laptop. I clicked into Twitter and froze immediately. There where pictures of Louis kissing Eleanor but not like a quick peck like a full on snog. I studied the first one to see if my eyes where playing tricks on me.

It looked like they were at some bar but I couldn't tell. I looked though a few more pictures than something or should I say someone caught my eye. In the back of one of the pictures was Nick Grimshaw. I knew right then that he was behind this. I mean sure it was Louis kissing El but I knew that he wouldn't try to hurt me on purpose. I picked up my phone and try to call Louis. He didn't pick up so I called Liam back.

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