Chapter 22

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Louis POV

I walked onto the set and took a seat in the chair next to the woman who was interviewing me. I looked up and off to the side a little to make sure Harry was standing there watching me. It was a closed set so there was no audience just the interviewer and the camera crew. They wanted to make sure there were no distractions.

"Hi Louis, I'm Sarah." The women next to me said holding her hand out to me. I shook her hand and smiled at her. "I'll be giving the interview today and remember this is live so try to keep the swearing to a minimal."

I laughed at her a little, before putting my hand back in my lap.

"I'll try."

She smiled at me and turned back to some other people on set.

"We about ready?" She asked someone and then nodded her head.

"Ok Louis you ready to do this."

"As ready as I'll ever be."

She looked back at the camera as someone on set said "ok we are live in 3....2.....1" he pointed at Sarah.

"Good evening, I'm Sarah Evens and I'm here with a very special guest tonight for a very special interview." She looks over to me. "My guess tonight is non other than Louis Tomlinson from the band One Direction, and he is releasing his first solo album Walls in a few days. Hi Louis how are you?"

"I'm good yeah, thank." I sit forward a little in my chair putting one of my feet on the other as I talk to her.

"So Louis tell me a little about your new Album?"

"Well it's called Walls and I'm very proud of it. It took a long time to complete and get everything exactly how I wanted it to sound. It took me a proper two years for some other the songs but I'm very proud of the out come."

She smiles at me.

"That's great now can you tell me what was your inspiration for this album?"

"Well a lot of things really, some of it was inspired by my time in One Direction and some was inspired by my relationships. It's really like a letter to the fans to let them know about me and how I feel. If the fans are paying attention then they will know."

"So your saying there is a meaning behind the songs."

"Yes I guess you can say that."

She looks at the camera and back to me and gives me another smile. I know what's about to come so I take a deep breath as she starts talking again.

"I guess that brings us to why we are having this interview. I heard that you had something that you wanted to tell everyone."

I sit up straight and decided on how I'm going to do this.

"Um yeah I guess but first I want to talk about a song on the album."

"Oh, what song?"

"The song is called Only The Brave, it's a song that is very personal to me and I want to sing it really quick if you don't mind."

She looks at me and smiles than looks around at the people on set. Someone must have given her the ok.

"Sure Louis, we would love that."

"Great do you have a guitar I could use?"

Someone off set brings me a guitar and I take it from them.

"Ok so please don't judge me to hard it's been a minute since I've played." I laugh a little

I start strumming the guitar and start to sing the song

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