Chapter 3

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Louis POV

We walk out on to the patio. It's a good size and overlooks the water. In the middle of the patio are 4 chairs with cream colored cushions on them. They surround a fire pit, not like a real fire pit but one of those gases ones. It's still warm out considering it was the end of November, so I don't think we will need to use it. I walk over a sit down in one of the chairs. Harry walks over to the Rail of the patio and turns to face me, leaning back against it.


"Why, what" I asked looking at him confused.

"Why did you want to know how many songs are on my album?" He asked looking down at his hands, playing with his fingers.

"Well I wanted to know if it was the same as mine and what percentage of the songs were about me." I said looking over at him with a small smile on my face.

"You said 3 where not about me right? So what are those ones about, if you don't mind telling me" I say just looking at him.

"I don't mind" he says looking up at me before he continues. "Well Cherry is about Camille Rowe but it's probably my least favorite song on the album. I think we had like 7 people write on that song so it wasn't very personal, and it was mostly written for people to talk about the album and assume it's all about her. When really it's not...... anyway she was really nice and came into the Studio and recorded a part at the end. She was never really my girlfriend, just someone I liked hanging out with."

"Oh" I say still looking at him trying to hide a smile. "And the others?"

"She, is about beards" he looks at me and smiles

I chuckle at him "any Particular beards?"

"Not really, more just about pretending to be something or someone your not" he says looking down at his feet.

" oh and the last one"

"It's called treat people with kindness and well it's about being kind to everyone" he kicks his foot than looks up at me again.

"What about lights up? I saw the video and I didn't think it was really about me but the video was good" I say rubbing my hands together and look down at the fire pit in front of me.

"It's about being who you are and being free to Express that. With your sexuality or whatever" he looks over at me and decides to walk over and sit down across from me on the other side of the fire pit.

"How is that about me?" I ask looking at him.

"Well if it wasn't for our relationship I wouldn't have felt free to write about it since it was something I wanted so bad when we were together. To just be free to be me, with you"

"Oh" I say again "can I ask you something?"

"Sure Lou, you can ask me anything. You know that" he looks at me and I know this conversation is about to get really hard.

Harry's POV

"Why didn't you follow me?"

I look at Louis not quite sure what to say

"I mean....we had fights before, that were way bigger then that one and you always came and made up with me, but this time you didn't come......why?" He says looking sad and not really looking at me, more like past me.

"Lou you said you were done and everything happened really fast after that conversation. I mean it's no excuse for me not coming after you but I didn't think you wanted me to..... I was devastated and with in days I saw pictures of you with Danielle and all the stuff with the baby. I didn't know what to do if I should call you or not or if you would even pick up my phone call. You didn't call me either..... I was than forced to go spend time with Kendall and I fell into a depression... I was drinking a lot and I missed you like crazy." I take a deep breath and run my hand though my hair.

"I was really depressed too, Harry I needed you really bad during that time but you never came after me. I thought you didn't love me anymore.....that you were just done with me. Harry you didn't even fight for us and all I wanted was for you to fight for me." He looks down again and I can see the tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes.

All I want to do is get up and go hug him. I guess we both miss understood the situation. We both where waiting for the other to make the first move which Made us both loss in the end. If only I was the person I am now back then. I would have fought for us long and hard. I'm way more open now, with who I am and what I want. Right now the only thing I want is this man sitting in front of me. I want to hold him and tell him how much I still love him even after all the years apart. He is and always will be my other half, my sun my everything. I look up at him and decided right then and there I'm going to get him back, no matter how long it takes.

"Lou I'm so so so sorry..... I think we both got to caught up in ourselves that we didn't realize how dumb we were being."

"Hey speak for yourself." He says smiling to himself. Than he looks into my eyes and his blue eyes look so bright and beautiful. I can't help but to gasp and hold my breath. I then look away knowing if I stare any longer I wasn't going to be able to stop myself from kissing him.

"So why now?" I say looking down at my shoes. "Why did you agree to meet with me now?"

"Well, I needed to talk to you about something and it's something that I needed to say in person...... because it kinda involves you." I look up at him and he looks super nervous.

"Me? What could involve me?"

"Well..... as you know my album is finally coming out at the end of January. Um..... well.... you said your album was about me....well a lot of my album is about you and my contact is finally up with modest......well.... I'm going to come out in February and that kinda involves talking about our relationship and everything modest put us though.... I wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be blind sided by the whole thing." He takes a deep breath and looks down than back at me. " I guess I also wanted to get your opinion on the whole thing and make sure you were ok with it."

I smile at him. Like a real smile that makes my dimples show and everything.

"Wow! Lou that's amazing, of course I'm ok with it. In fact if you would let me I would like to do it with you."

Louis looks up at me with a big smile on his face like the kind of smile that gives him the crinkles by his eyes. He truly looks happy.

"Really Harry! Your ok with this and you want to come out with me. Wow, just wow." He says shaking his head.

I look over at him and stand up. I hold out my hand and wait. He stands up and takes it.

"Let's go back inside so we can talk some more" I say and head for the door. We need to go over a few things because I'm not sure if Lou wants me or just wants my help but I want to find out so this is going to be a long night.

Authors note

Ok so this is chapter 3 and I really like this one. I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and if you have any notes let me know thanks.

Also this is unedited so I hope there aren't to many mistakes.

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