#1 (Bruce Banner) platonic

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Request: Can you do a imagine where Bruce Bamner adopts a mutant child and raises her as his daughter? It doesn't have to be a series but it would be awesome if it was. Requested by @harmonywiccan.

Your ability was similar to Bruce's. Whenever you get angry, you'd turn to a hairy creature. As a child you were a very angry one.
When Bruce saw you, he knew he had to take you home with him. To help you, but also himself, with anger issues and how to stay calm during situations that you'd burst out.
Parenting was a very hard thing, and Bruce didn't think it would be so hard when he adopted you. He was single, so he had to be a father and a mother to you. But also your friend.
You were a spoiled child and he'd get you anything you asked for. When you grew up and started going out with boys, he was very protective and you'd get into a fight many times.
Some of those times, he or you would turn into the Hulk or the furry creature you are.
"I'm going out with some friends" you went down to the lab to inform him.
"Wait, not so fast. Who are those friends? Do I know them? And will there be boys?" He questioned.
"Of course. Dad I'm not a child anymore. I'm gonna go now".
"Your dress is too short".
"And you're too old. Byeeee".

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