G5 (Steve Rogers)

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"Good morning, Tony. Here are the files you asked for" you entered the meeting room in the avengers compound and handed him the files "Captain Rogers" you greeted.

"Thank you, Y/n. You are a darling" Tony was always a chill guy. So, he treated people who worked for him just like normal people and didn't have that boss- employee level relationship. Which made everyone loves going to work.

"Ms Y/l/n" Steve greeted back.

"Seriously? You're still on a last name basis?... you knos what? That's fine, a lot of people who are close friends call each other by their last name. But at least don't be formal with each other in front of me" Tony hated formalities and boundaries. He wanted everyone to be their true self, not wear some mask and give fake compliments for example.

"Uhm, it's nice seeing you again. You're looking good" you tried to break that wall between you and Steve to please Tony.

"Thank you... you too, Y/n? Right?" He smiled and started blushing.

"Yeah, you remembered" Captain America knew your name, that was an accomplishment.

"Of course, how could I forget. It was your first day here and you pumped into me. You should've seen your face" Steve recalled and started laughing.

"Aaand I'm gonna leave now" Tony muttered and backed away slowly without you noticing.

"Oh, god! I was panicking, okay? I thought I was getting fired. I spilled my coffee on your shirt and on the files, which I then dropped and the floor was a mess. If you were in my place, you would've done the same".

"True. But luckily, you're working for Tony Stark and the Avengers".

"I thought you would be different" you admitted.

"How so?".

"I thought you'd be more down to business and stern. But you can be very relaxed and it's actually calming to work around you".

"I'm afraid my teammates would disagree with you".

"Oh, I didn't mean when you're fighting. That's differently not calming. But I mean when you're here at the compound".

"...Hey, listen. What are you doing tonight?".

"After work? Nothing".

"Would you like to grab dinner with me?" Captain America just asked you out on a date, how could you say no?

"I-I would love to" you grinned.

"Really? I'll pick you up at 7".

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