Save Me part 3 (Loki Laufeyson)

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Summary: After you reject Loki, he leaves Midgard. But soon after, he needs your help to become a better king and a better man.

"I don't know what to say to that" you were shocked.

"you don't have to say anything at all. I know you don't feel anything towards me. It was a mistake coming here" he regretted saying what he said.

"no, Loki, wait. It's not what I meant" you held his arm.

"I get it. I'm evil,  I kill people and you save them" he nodded.

"If I thought you were completely evil, I wouldn't have saved  you that night" you informed him.

"So you share those feeling?" he asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that you can be better and you can redeem yourself. I, I- don't know how I feel towards you" you tried to cheer him up.

"I must go now" he jumped out of the window and disappeared.

When you woke up, you found a note on the nightstand "Thank you for everything" it was from him.

You didn't tell anyone about that day. Weeks went by and there was no words from him. As you started to forget about him, he showed up at the hospital disguised as a random patient. This was the last patient on your list for that day.

"Good evening Mr. Andrews! How are you feeling today?" you greeted.

"Seeing you made everything better" Loki said.

"So let's review the blood test results" you explained everything to him and advised him to take some vitamins. Loki, not wanting to interrupt you, kept listening to you with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Andrews?" you called him when you noticed his was straying.

"Yeah sorry, I got lost in your eyes" he boldly said.

"Excuse me?" he surely wasn't himself today.

"I missed you Y/n" he said.

"It's doctor y/l/n to you. And what are you talking about? You started to get uncomfortable.

"Oh, right, sorry" Loki changed back to his original self.
"Loki?... What are you doing here? And what have you done with my patient?" you asked.

"Relax, I didn't kill him if that's what you're worried about. I came to see you" he answered.

"Oh it's good to know he's not dead. But where is he?" you asked again.

"He's sleeping in the bathroom" he informed you.

"Jeez. What did you do that for?" you walked towards the door, but he quickly pushed the door shut.

"Will you listen to me for a second. He's fine. I didn't hurt him...much. He'll wake up with a slight headache, that's all, I swear" he explained.

"alright. What do you want this time?" you crossed your arms.

"I need your help to become a better man" he finally said.

"As much as I would love to help you. I have work to do" you informed him.

"Sadly, that's not a choice" he grabbed you and Skurge opened the gate to Asgard.

"Put me down" you demanded.

"I'm sorry there was no other way you'd accept" Loki apologized and transformed himself into Odin.

"Take me back Loki" you ordered.

"I won't. I'll let you go after you help me, I give you my word" he promised.

"you do realize that taking me against my will is not making you a better man" you stated the obvious.

"Would you have rather I threatened to kill everyone in the hospital if you didn't come?" he asked.

"no,no, no that's fine. I'm glad you didn't" "So your majesty how can I help you?" you asked.

"Tell me when I do something wrong?" he wasn't sure.

"Alright. First, you're gonna have to change your attitude. Then you'll have to watch your temper" you instructed.

- - -

You sat on the Throne next to Loki who disguised himself like Odin, when a man came. He was a bit rude and Loki stood up and approached him. He was about to kill the man with his bare hands, before you ran and stood in front of the man.

"Go!" you demanded and the man ran away. Loki transformed back "what was that about?" he asked.

"no, what was that about?" you asked him.

"didn't you see how rude the man was. He deserved to die" he tried to justify.

"Just because someone is rude, doesn't mean ending their lives is what should be done" you explained.

"then what do you suggest I should do?" he asked.

"Talk to them. If they are very rude, yell at them and remind them who they're talking to" you informed him.

"that sounds dull" he rolled his eyes.

- - -

"Loki? Loki? Where are you?" you searched for him in the throne room, in the meeting room, in the garden, in his room but you didn't find him. When you returned to your room, you saw him sitting on the bed eating grapes.

"Are you kidding me? I spent hours looking for you and people are waiting for you and you're sitting in my room, eating grapes" you got angry.

"Why are you so angry? Here have some" he handed you the plate.

"I don't want any. There are people waiting in a very long line to speak to their king and tell him of their problems and you don't even care".

"It's boring. I don't want to sit there and listen to people complain about their lives for hours, can't you do it?" he asked.

"No, you're the one who decided to banish your father to earth and take his place. You want to be a king, then act like it. And take some responsibility for my sake" you commanded.

"Alright, but just for you" he informed you.

"No, don't do it for me. Do it for your people. You asked me to help you and this me helping you. If you want to be a good king and people to love you, you have to listen to them, care for them and try to understand them" you explained.

He did as you said and later that evening he came to your room.

"Thank you Y/n".

"What for?" you asked.

"showing me the way. The right way. You were right. People tend to like me when I help them" he admitted.

"See, wasn't so hard, was it?" you stood up and came closer to him.

"There's something else I'd like to confess" he added and your heart skipped a beat.

"shoot" you tried to stay calm.

"what?" he didn't understand.

"It means go ahead" you explained.

"I just wanted to say that.... you, you're the first person and I mean not just midgardian to not judge me and attack m. Instead, you showed me a different way of doing things, even when I wasn't nice to you. You chose words over fists. You believed in me when no one else did".
"I believe you are a changed man" you informed him.

He came closer " changed for better or for worse?" he asked.

"Does that need saying?" you smiled.

"I would love to hear you say it".

"Loki... You are a good man. You became better  and now you;ll become a great king" you looked into his eyes.

"Does that mean you're willing to give me a chance?" he asked.

You didn't give him an answer, instead you reached for his face and kissed him.

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