Valkyrie Princess part 1 (Thor Odinson + Loki Laufeyson) sister!reader

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Summary: You were Odin's youngest child. You were very close with Thor and Loki, but you you were sent away to become a Valkyrie. After many years you return home.

You were well informed about everything that happened while you were gone. Loki was imprisoned and your mother was dead. You came for the funeral, but before announcing your arrival, you went to see Loki. "Hello brother! Did you miss me?" he looked up not believing what he's seeing.

"y/n? Is it really you?" he questioned.

"Yes brother it's me. I've missed you and I'm sorry for everything that happened to you" you apologized.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I've missed you too. I wish the circumstances were different" he said.

"I'm gonna go now, but I'll be back, I promise. I'll talk to father and convince him to let you out" you promised.

"Don't do that. He's your father not mine".

"Please don't say that" you begged.

"It's the truth" he said.

"Then am I not your sister?" you asked.

"You'll always be my sister and I'll always love you. You know that" he reassured you.

"What about Thor? You loved him too and then you tried to kill him. Several times" you added.

"You're not Thor and I'd never harm you sister".


You entered the palace like a queen. "Father, brother" you bowed your head in respect.

"Y/n?" Thor looked at Odin confused.

"Come here daughter and let me see that beautiful face of you" you approached and he kissed your forehead. Then moved to greet Thor. You weren't sure how to greet him. It was so long ago since you last saw him.

"Thor?" you said.

"Y/n?" you looked at each other for a second before hugging each other.

After the funeral, Thor introduced you to Jane and explained what happened to her. Thor and Odin argued about the plan of fighting Malekith. You just got your family back and lost your mother. You weren't gonna just sit here and let another family member be taken away from you. You tried to calm things down between the two f them but with no use. You even tried to change the subject and try to convince your father to let Loki out, but it only made him angrier and now even Thor agreed with him. Eventually, Thor was making a plan of his own and was planning on betraying his father.

You knew Thor were well when you were younger and apparently some things never change. You new when he was planning on doing something risky or trying to hide something.

"You're hiding something" you stated.

"What? No, I am not" he denied.

"So, you are not thinking about executing that plan of yours?" you asked.

"...N-o" he lied.

"What a shame! I had an idea about we could do, but never mind".

"Alright fine. You caught me. What do you want?" he asked.

"To help" you answered "Just like old times, ey".

"The good old times. We had fun. It was you, me.....and L-Loki against the world" he remembered.


After going through the plan, you convinced Thor to bring Loki along.

"I promised, I'd get you out, didn't I?".

"I never doubted you sister" Loki said "Just like old times, huh".


Loki was just stabbed in front of your eyes.

You were standing next to Thor when you witnessed Loki die in his arm. You just got them back and now your worst nightmare came to haunt you, you lost another person you loved.

You promised to avenge his death and so you did with Thor's help.

After that, you returned to Asgard with Thor. He told Odin he didn't want the throne and Odin accepted, which was weird to you.

When he left, you stayed behind. You noticed that he was sitting differently than he usually does. The way he spoke was different. It was as if it was not him. He reminded you of someone, that someone was Loki. You put one and one together and figured it out.

"So brother, what did you do with our father?" you asked.

"I beg your pardon?" he asked pretending not to know what you're talking about.

"Cut the crap, Loki. Or I'll tell Thor" you threatened.

"How did you know?" he transformed back.

"Because I know you brother" you informed him.

"What can I do for you so you won't tell Thor?" he asked.

"Nothing really. Okay maybe one thing. Don't kill anyone and don't be mean" you demanded.

"That's it?" he was surprised.

"Yeah, I hope that's not to much and no tricks" you added.

"That's harder than I thought it'll be" he complained.

"It's either this or Thor comes back" you were leaving.

"y/n? Stay".

"Are you sure about that?" you asked him.
"There's nothing I want more".

"Alright. That way I can keep an eye on you".


After a couple of years, Thor returned and found out about Loki. He saw that you were there and when you didn't seem surprised he knew that you must have known.

"Did you know sister?" he asked in an angry tone.

"Yes" you said not daring to look him in the eyes.

"And you didn't bother to tell me about it? How could you do this to me? To our father?".

"Thor calm down. He's fine" Loki said.

"It's not like that. Please let me explain" you begged.

"What could you possibly say to make the situation acceptable?" he questioned.

"Probably nothing but believe it or not I did it for you brother. If I told you, you would've returned home and took the throne. I wanted you to live your life and be happy with your mortal. I didn't want to give you this huge responsibility. Besides, I stayed to keep an eye on him and he has changed Thor" you explained.

"I have brother, believe her if you don't believe me" Loki added.

Thor was ready to fight Loki and end him.

"Thor stop" you demanded. But he pushed you aside and you hit the floor.

"Brother wait. It's not just you and me you're hurting. If you kill me, you'll hurt y/n even more" Loki tried to convince him. And for once, Thor actually stopped and listened. He looked at you and saw what he has done. He tried to help you up "I'm sorry sister, I never meant to hurt you. I don't know what got into me" he apologized.

"It's alright. I know you didn't. But please don't hurt Loki. I'd hate to see our family being torn apart. Let's go get father" you offered.

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