#2 (Tony Stark)

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Request: can I request an imagine for avengers civil war (or post-civil war, but pre-infinity war) where the reader is a physics grad (or any kind of science grad tbh) who tony knows because she worked/works for stark industries, and she helps tony go through pepper's breakup and losing most of the avengers after the accords, and cheers him up and stuff? I really love your blog! your imagines are all so wonderful to read i can't even. Requested by anon.

"Hey, you wanna grab some lunch?" Tony offered as you were working.

"Are you alright?" You noticed he was hiding a lot of pain inside. Usually he's very excited and always laughing when he comes to see you and the others, but today something was different.

Tony was more like a friend than a boss and you had a very good friendship with him, so it was like working for a friend. Everyone loved coming to work, it was like practicing your hobby but getting paid for it.

"No, not really! But I don't wanna talk about it. I just want to get out of here. Come on".

You grabbed your jacket and followed him to the car "hey, hey, you can talk to me" you turned his face to you so your eyes could meet.

"I lost everything. The avengers, my team, my friends, even Pepper left me" he started crying.

"It's okay. I'm here! I'll never leave you" you hugged him and he buried his face in your chest "come on! I know exactly what you need".

You switched places with him and drove to your house. You wrapped him in a blanket, give him your special plush toy, brought ice cream and put on a cheesy rom com movie.

He held on tightly to the toy, ate ice cream and then cried and laughed at the movie, while you held him and stroked his hair. After that, he fell asleep on your lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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