Father Figure part 2 (Steve Rogers)

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Request: Hey! I was hoping if you could do an imagine for Steve Rogers, from Avengers, where the reader is a single mom to a child with Cystic Fibrosis. Requested by @harmonywiccan.

Months have passed and you and Steve became closer and Y/s/n got attached to him. After a lot of encouragement from his teammates and friends, Steve finally decided to ask you out.

You and him met at the playground, where you usually met and talked about life and problems, while your son played. You almost never finished a conversation, all thanks to Y/s/n. He would drag Steve with him and force him to play with him.

"You're early today" you remarked.

"I got you coffee. There's something I want to ask you. I've been wanting to ask you for a while now" Steve said.


"Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me? He finally asked.

"I, uhm- huh, I- would love to" you weren't sure at the beginning, but then thought to give it a shot.

"Great! I'll call Nat and tell her to come tonight, so we can go out. How does this sound?" Steve got excited.

"Tonight? I- okay" you chucked.


"Where are we going?" You asked.

"You'll see. We're almost there, keep your eyes closed".

"Are we on the shore? I hear waves" you questioned.

"You can open then now. What do you think?".

"You did all that?" You were impressed.

"The idea was mine, but Tony insisted to pay for everything. I told him we want to be alone, but he said how are we gonna eat, so he hired someone, but he won't be here for long. I figured since our lives are in the city and it's crowded and noisy, you'd like to be away for a while. A place where we could enjoy the sound of nature" he informed you.

"How considerate of you. It's really great! Thank you".

After you finished eating, he noticed how you kept staring at the ocean.

"You wanna swim?" He offered.

"What? Don't be ridiculous. It's late" you laughed.

"Come on, I know you want to. Let's have a little adventure" he insisted.

"I don't think it's a good idea" you weren't sure if you should listen to him or not. He took your hand and dragged you to the water.

"Alright, alright, stop! I'm not getting in, in my dress. I need it to get home. Close your eyes" you took off your dress and he took off his shirt and trousers.

"On count to three, we jump in. One, two, three" Steve took your hand and led you into the cold water.

"Aaah. It's freezing" you screamed.

"Just let it sink in for a moment".

After five minutes, you couldn't bare it anymore.

"I can't. It's still cold and if I get sick, I know who to blame" you got out of the water and he followed. He turned his face to the other direction, to give you privacy.

"It's alright, you can look if you want to" the first time you weren't sure, but now you were.

He turned to face you and slowly pressed his lips against yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

The next morning you felt a little cold.

"Good morning!" Steve greeted from beside you.

"Shit! What time is it?" You freaked out.

"Relax! I called Nat and told her you were staying the night" Steve tried to calm you down.

"In that case, good morning to you too" you kissed him.

"You want breakfast?" He asked.

"You cooking?".

"That or you can help me".

You made pancakes together and baked a cake for later.

"So, Y/n, does this mean you're willing to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Depends who's asking. If it's Steve Rogers then yes, if it's Captain America then it's a no" you teased.

Later that day, you finally went home and Steve came with you.

"Thank you for everything Nat. I'm really grateful for everything you did" you thanked.

"It's not a big deal. I love kids. You can call me anytime, but he really missed you this time. He's in his room" she informed you and you went straight there.

"Mommy!" He ran towards you and hugged you tightly.

"You're choking me, honey" you chuckled.

"Where were you?" He asked and Steve entered with a cake.

"Uncle Steve!" He hugged his legs, since he was still standing.

"I was with Steve and we baked you a cake" you told him.


"Because I was away with him and we didn't take you. Honey, there's something else we want to tell you about. Steve is gonna stay with us sometimes, we're together. This means he's gonna read you bedtime stories, sometimes, how do you feel about that?" You informed him.

"Awesome. Does this mean he's gonna be my daddy?" He asked.

You didn't know what to say, you looked at Steve and didn't want to freak him out about being his father or something.

"Yes, Y/s/n. I am going to be your dad if that's what you want" Steve replied.

"Come on, let's eat some cake".

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