A Promise part 2 (Bucky Barnes)/ (Steve Rogers) bestfriend!reader

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Summary: After months of searching for Bucky, you and Steve finally find him. You have to prove his innocence.
Warnings: fighting, pain, a bit of angst?

"I'm with Steve on this one" you crossed your arms.

"When are you not? You guys are like inseparable twins" Tony was slightly annoyed.

"But he's right. If we sign this, we give up our freedom" you continued.

"The rules can be changed" Tony tried to convince you.

"Exactly. We don't know what rule they'll force on us next" Steve added.

"whatever. Talking to you is like talking to a brick" Tony gave up.

"It's not that bad" you saw Steve looking sad.

"Yeah?" he wasn't sure.

"At least, now we can fully focus on finding Bucky. I know he's still out there" you informed him.

You heard his phone ring. He looked at it and suddenly his expressions changed.

"I have to go" Steve left the room and you followed.

"hey hey hey. Talk to me. What happened?" you asked.

"It's Peggy. She's dead" he informed you.

"I'm so so sorry" you hugged him and he tried to keep it together.

- - -

Steve was talking to Sharon and Sam asked you about him, when suddenly Steve called you over. You went to Sharon's room and watched the news.

"No, he didn't do it. I can feel it Steve" you didn't believe the news.

"hey, we'll find him and ask him okay" he put his hands on your shoulders.

- - -

You and Steve entered Bucky's room in your suits.

"Bucky" you exclaimed.

"Do you know me?" Steve asked.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum" he said ignoring you.

"What about me?" you asked.

"you're y/n, Steve's oldest friend" he didn't dare look you in the eyes.

"is that all you know?" your heart was aching.

"I don't know. I have these dreams or flashbacks or imaginations, I don't know. You were my baby doll?" he tried to remember.
"I still am" you took a step forward but he took a step backward.

"I called you kitty" he remembered and you smiled.

"I know you're nervous. You have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying" Steve interrupted.

:I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore" He looked at Steve, then you.

"I knew it. See, I told you Steve" there was a grin on your face.

"Well the people who think you did, are coming here now and they're not planning on taking you alive" Steve informed him.

"We need to go now!" you demanded.

"that's smart. Good strategy" Bucky took a step back as he heard the men on the roof.

"this doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck" Steve told him.

"Please don't" you begged, knowing he's gonna fight.

"it always ends in a fight".

"You pulled us from the river, why?" Steve asked.

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