Father Figure part 1 (Steve Rogers)

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Request: Hey! I was hoping if you could do an imagine for Steve Rogers, from Avengers, where the reader is a single mom to a child with Cystic Fibrosis. @harmonywiccan.
Y/s/n= your son's name.

Being a single mom was hard, and having a child with a disorder made it harder. You weren't looking for a guy or anything, but a lot of people told you that your son needs a man figure in his life. At the beginning, you totally rejected the idea. It was after you were on the playground with Y/s/n and saw the way he looked at other families and how he usually played near them, that you realized that maybe you need someone.

One day, the city was under attack and you were walking with your son, until some kind of creature appeared in front of you. You knew how to defend yourself. After all, living in a big city by yourself, made you want to learn martial arts, and so you did. Just as you were about to strike the creature a shield appeared out of nowhere and knocked it down. You heard a man's voice talking to you "ma'am please come with me!" When you turned around to see who it is, you recognized the man. It was captain America, one of the superheroes your son plays with. Your son was very happy to see him, but you, not so much.

"Excuse me?" You asked.

"I need you to come with me" he repeated.

"And why should I?" You crossed your arms.

"Because I just saved your life" he said.

"Well, I didn't ask you to. Or is it whenever you see a woman, you think she's weak and needs helping, sexist much? I'm very much capable of taking care of myself" you confronted him.

"Look ma'am. I don't have much time. If I offended you, I'm sorry. I don't doubt it, but right now I need you to come with me. We have to evacuate the city... please!" He begged.

Well, he seemed nice and polite so you agreed and went with him. He directed you outside the city and you thanked him.

Days went by and you totally forgot about what happened. You were in the supermarket with Y/s/n. He wanted to buy another superhero figure, but you didn't want to. He started crying and ran away. You searched for him, but didn't hear him. You kept searching, until you found him with a man.

"Y/s/n, I was worried sick about you. What did I tell you about talking to strangers?" you were a bit angry but at the same time glad you found him.

The man immediately recognized you and smiled, but didn't mention it yet. "I'm sorry, if I overstepped my boundaries, but I found him running and crying. When I approached him, he seemed to be out of breath, so I tried to calm him down" he explained.

"Thank you! Yeah that happens a lot. My son has Cystic fibrosis and he's often out of breath. He needs his inhaler" you gave y/s/n the inhaler.

"Your son?!" the man seemed surprised.

You went on your knees to be as the same level as y/s/n. "y/s/n, baby! What are the three rules that are you are never supposed to break?" you asked him.

"Never lie to you. Never talk to strangers and never go somewhere without telling you" he answered.

"And you broke two of these rules. See what happens when you don't listen to mommy! What if I wasn't in the right time to give you the inhaler or what if this man wasn't so nice and kidnapped you?" you asked. The man chuckled.

"I'm sorry, mommy! I promise, I won't repeat it" he looked down.

"You better not! You're still holding that toy. I told you, I'm not gonna buy it" you reminded him.

"It's alright, I told him, I'd buy it for him" the man said.

"Excuse me?! And you are?..." you stood up and crossed your arms.

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