Mr. Flirt (Tony Stark)

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Request: Hello!! Can I request an MCU imagine where every avenger has a personal doctor who takes care of their wounds, overall health, vitamins, vaccines etc and the reader is a junior doctor who gets assigned tony stark? Thank you in advance just for considering it<33 I hope you have a wonderful day!! Requested by anon.

"Tony, meet your new doctor" Maria introduced.

"Well well well, what have we got here?" Tony immediately flirted.

"Hi, I'm Y/n Y/l/n. I'm a junior doctor and I've been assigned to you, Mr Stark" your cheeks turned red.

"Enough with the formalities. Call me Tony. If all doctors looked like you, I'd go to the hospital everyday" he smirked.

"Stop it, Stark. She just got here. You don't want to scare her off, now do you?" Maria noticed how you were blushing and interfered.

"I was just teasing. Relax! I don't bite... well, I do if you want me to" he winked at you and you giggled.

"Seriously stop! Or I'm gonna have to call Fury" Maria threatened.

"Boohoo, you're a mood killer, but fine I'll stop".

You couldn't help but smile at how immature he is.

"I'll leave you two to get to know each other better and talk. Doctor-patient confidentiality and all. If you need anything just shout, I'll be down the hall".

"Close the door while you're at it" Tony told her.

She gave him a look and semi closed the door.

"Go on, take a seat. Don't be afraid! After all, I'm a hero, so...".

"I see why everyone got a personal doctor and not the same one".

"You do? So what is the reason?".

"Each of you has problems that if you went to the same doctor, the doctor will end up having problems".

"How so?".

"You have your ego. The Captain has his stubbornness, Thor has his pride, Bruce has his insecurities, Natasha has a problem with her emotions and how to manage them and Clint, well I don't even know what Clint has" you explained.

"Wow! And you got all this information how?".

"I'm not a psychologist but we also study people and I have a talent for it. Am I wrong?" you smiled.

"Well, you absolutely are... right of course" he teased.

"So what can I do for you Mr. Stark?".

"You can start by calling me Tony".

"Alright, Tony?'.

"Hmmm... have dinner with me?".

You chuckled "can't. Doctor-patient law and all".

"What if I fired you?".

"You're gonna fire me on my first day? My answer would then be definitely no".

"Fine. But I will get to that dinner one day" he promised.

"Hope is a good thing to keep you going".

"Why is everyone trying to ruin the mood today? We were in the middle of a romantic conversation".

"You call that romantic? You clearly have no idea what romantic means. How did you get all those women to sleep with you?".

"Money... not as prostitutes. But because they see I'm rich. Who doesn't want to be with a rich guy?".

"I don't. I don't care about status. Character is more important. You can live in a palace with a prince who doesn't love you and live your life pretending in front of a camera or take the simple life and marry someone who can make you happy and loves you".

"So you're a fan of love?".

"I married my work, so it's not the life for me".

"But you want it? Wish you'd have it?" he asked.

"It's not a bad idea to have dreams, Tony".

"You just called me by my name without me telling you to... that's what I call progress".

"Apparently, you don't need anything. I'll see you next week, Tony".

"Wai-wai-wait what? Next week? I do need something. Can't you see, my heart is hurting".

"It's called heartache, happens when someone rejects you" you winked and exited the room.

"Oh, I'll get that dinner. You'll see" he muttered to himself.

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