Prologue: Free

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Salem sits in her castle in the Land of Darkness. Not much has been happening recently, besides Tyrian arguing with Watts. It was in these brief moments of relaxation that the grimm queen liked to map out in her head what she would do next. She already has Cinder on Beacon, she has Tyrian searching for the spring maiden, and she has Hazel and Watts preparing to go against Ozpin. She isn't entirely sure on what else needs to be done. Suddenly, Watts comes into the room. "Mistress, there is something I need to show you." He says gaining Salem's interest.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) playing fetch with some beowolves)

Watts brought Salem to a strange large purple cube. Salem touches the purple cube to find out it's like ice. Salem uses a bit of magic to melt the ice, and slowly but surely a figure seems to reveal itself trapped within the ice. Salem continues to melt the ice until she can see the figure clearly. She notices the face and how pale it is, next the eyes and the fact that they're red, then his hair which seems to be pitch black, she then notices that the figure appears to be in distress. She frees the figure and immediately it starts to speak. "-ster wait!" The figure says seeming to finish whatever it was saying before it got into this situation. The figure then looks around as if confused by its surroundings. "You're not my master." The figure says after noticing Salem. The figure appears to summon a pair of claws. "Who are you? What have you done with my master?" The figure asks. Salem approaches the figure making him noticibly nervous. "St-stay back! I-i'm warning you!" The figure says nervously. Salem continues to approach before suddenly the figure makes the claws dissappear and turns away frightened. The figure notices that Salem hasn't hurt him yet, amd turns to look at her. "What is your name child?" Salem asks the figure. "M-my master called me (Y/N)." The figure answers. Salem kneels down and touches the figures cheek. "(Y/N)... What did your master look like?" Salem asks. "My master is the god of darkness." (Y/N) says surprising Salem. Watts has never seen Salem surprised, but he doesn't intervene with what's happening. Salem finally realizes why (Y/N)'s appearance is a strange one. He's part grimm. She begins to think for a moment before she comes up with a way to use (Y/N). "(Y/N). Your master abandoned this world with his brother." Salem says. "W-what..?" (Y/N) says starting to tear up. "He left because he realized what an abomination the grimm were. You're part grimm so he hated you and froze you here." Salem says lying to (Y/N). "N-no... he wouldn't do that..." (Y/N) says trying not to cry. "He did though. He left and never came back. I became the grimm queen after he left." Salem explains still lying to him. (Y/N) starts to cry before hugging Salem for comfort. Salem hugs (Y/N) back with a smile and starts to rub his back. "There there. I'm here for you. I won't freeze you like he did." Salem says. "P-promise?" (Y/N) asks looking Salem in her eyes. Salem looks into (Y/N)'s eyes and she sees a strong sense of innocence in them. "Promise." Salem says smiling at (Y/N). (Y/N) goes back to hugging Salem. Salem just smirks as she gently touches (Y/N)'s hair while hugging him.

I ate a lot of cookies while writing this and I feel like i'm going to puke.

622 words

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