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Hello you guys!

This is Book 2 of my fanfic Tsurugi X Reader [The extreme love triangle] as you requested a part 2 of it.

Hope you enjoy this one as much as the first :)

Now...let's get into the first chapter!


[1 Year Later...]

Your POV:

A year has passed and now we are in our second year of high school. I'm still in the soccer club with Tenma, Aoi and the others. Hakuryuu is still in my class and we're still best friends like we used to be since we were little. Everything is good and as usual. Except...

Tsurugi...he's not with us....anymore....

He got a scholarship in one of the best schools abroad which is a very rare and a great opportunity! He didn't want to go because he didn't want to leave me here but I insisted that he goes. It will make his future better if he studies at a better school.

Although he calls almost everyday...I still miss him sometimes but I never regretted making him go! He deserves the best.

Tomorrow is our first day as second years in Raimon Highschool. Hakuryuu promised me that he'd walk with me to school like old days so I was excited and a little bit nervous at the same time.

Of course not as nervous as I was last year when I was a new student not knowing anyone but will feel kinda empty without Tsurugi...

No! I should be positive and happy for him! Plus he said that he can visit so I'll wait patiently for him.

For now...I'll just focus on my studies and on soccer practice!

[Next Morning...]

I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and dragged my body to the bathroom to do my usual morning routine as I changed my clothes to wear the Raimon High uniform.

*smile* I looked at myself in the I've missed this look...

*Ring ring*

I was brushing my hair when I heard my phone ringing.

I grabbed it and looked at the name in display...



"Morning y/n! Ready to go?"

"Sure! Where are you?"

"I'll be at your house in 2 minutes."

"Great then! See ya!"

I hung up on him, took a last look on my self and headed downstairs. "Good morning mum!" I grabbed an apple and dashed outside the front door.

I was waiting for Hakuryuu by my house and I glanced at the house next to mine. Tsurugi's house...I remembered what he told me the day before he travelled...


"Here...take this." He placed a key in the palm of my hand. I looked at him confused.

"Hm? What's this Kyousuke?"

"This is the spare key to my house...I'm giving it to you while I'm away. Of course I don't need to tell you that you can go in and out my house whenever you want. Keep it with you okay?"

I smiled at him and nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, "I'll miss you so much...take care of yourself please." He nodded and kissed my neck while wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, "Don't worry y/n...I'll call a lot and I promise to come back again. For you."

I hid my head in his hoodie because I didn't want him to see the tears that were forming in my eyes...

End of flashback...

"Hellooooo earth to y/nnnnn?" I heard a familiar voice interrupt my thoughts as I saw a hand waving right in front of my face...

"Oh sorry...good morning Haku!"

"Morning sleepy head! Were you day dreaming about your boyfriend~?" He teased and I hit him playfully on his shoulder, "Shut up! C'mon let's go before the bell rings!" I increased my pace a little as he caught up with me and we headed in the usual path to Raimon High School.

[15 mins later...]

"Hey Tenma! Good morning! Long time no see!" I waved at Tenma who was just about to enter from the main gate. He turned as his bright smile turned on when he saw us.

"Oh y/n! Hakuryuu! I've missed you guys!"

"Hey everyone!!" We saw Aoi approaching us too with an excited expression on her face.

"Aoiiiii!!" I waved at her in happiness.

"Good morning babe!" Tenma said with his usual genuine smile...

"...what?! BABE??!" Hakuryuu and I yelled at the same time.

Tenma scratched the back of his head nervously, "Yeah well...Aoi and I started dating this summer.."

A huge smile grew on my face as I have always shipped these two and now they're finally dating!!

I looked at Aoi and found her smiling while blushing slightly, "AOI HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME!?"

I yelled playfully at her because I was so happy for her!

"Gomen gomen! (Sorry sorry!) Tenma and I wanted to make it a surprise for all of our friends..." she said while holding Tenma's hand.

"He he...yeah..." he said a bit shy but I could see the happiness in his eyes.

"By the way...where's Tsurugi? Doesn't he always come with you y/n?" asked Aoi but got worried when she saw my expression sadden...

Hakuryuu sighed.

"Tsurugi...won't attend with us this year...he transferred to a school abroad." He explained briefly.

"WHAT?!" Both Tenma and Aoi said in shock and sadness.

"Won't we see him again?!" Yelled Tenma worried.

"Of course we will! He told me that he'll visit us soon when he finishes his studies..." I told them and faked a little smile not to worry them.

"Oh y/ must miss him..." Aoi said looking worried and sad for me.

"Yes I do but he calls often so I at least talk to him every once in a while. Don't worry about me!" I said and she hugged me as I hugged her back.

"What about you Hakuryuu? Still single?" Asked Tenma, changing the topic and teasing Hakuryuu.

"Yeah...I don't have any luck with girls...maybe I'll try to be gay."



"WHAT?!" I looked at him in disbelief as he starting laughing...

"I'm joking I'm joking don't worry I'm straight!" We all laughed at him as we heard the morning bell ring indicating the start of our first day...

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