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Your POV:

*Ring ring*

That was the bell finally ending the morning classes. I packed my stuff and headed quickly towards the soccer club cuz we had practice...

Amemiya called my name before I exited the classroom but I pretended not to hear him...

I entered the club room after changing into the Raimon soccer uniform that I grew to love since last year. I found coach Endou talking to the rest of the team so I joined them to listen...

"Listen up everyone! Are all the team members here?" We looked around but I noticed that Amemiya still hadn't come, "Amemiya still isn't here coach." I said.

The coach nodded and looked down for a minute, he had this serious look on his face for a few seconds but then reverted back to his original self.

"Sorry I'm late!" We heard the club room's door open revealing Amemiya in the team's uniform...

I admit...I don't like it when he wears that uniform...that's because the uniform he's wearing is the one Tsurugi used to wear...number 10...

Amemiya came and stood beside me then knelt down to my ear and whispered, "Why didn't you wait for me y/n?"

"I...forgot you were on the soccer team...I still didn't get used to it..." I answered him without making eye contact.

He didn't reply and we both payed attention to what the coach had to say...

"Next week, we have a match with the Yoshikawa High School team..." he announced then turned to his assistant, "Aki...please tell them the details."

"Right," Aki started by opening the papers in her hand, "The Yoshikawa High School team is known for their high stamina and their endurance to the difficult states of weather. They have trained in many weather conditions and managed to score over 12 goals in one match."

We all widened our eyes in shock...

"12 goals in one match?!" Exclaimed Kirino, "Wow..."

" as you can see, you're facing a strong team, so I expect you to be on time for practice everyday this week, high efforts while training and no slacking off, understood?"

"Haaaaaaii!!" We all said and headed towards the field.

"Okay then everyone, SAKKA YAROUZE!" shouted captain Shindou and we all took our positions to start practice.

>>Time Skip>>

Actually...with Amemiya on our team now, we might have a higher chance of winning...the guy plays SO WELL!!

I was now walking home with Hakuryuu but he seemed....disturbed...



"HAKURYUU!" I yelled and he finally looked at me, "What?!"

"What's with you? you look irritated as if someone is following us!"

"Well...I was just um....checking...something..." he said and I raised one eye brow at him, "Checking what exactly?"

"....ya know...this and that..."

"What do you mean by this an-" He then held my shoulders and spun me to the other side, "Would you stop asking questions already? See? We reached your house now go in, c'mon!" He pushed through the front gate.


"Okay then see ya at school tomorrow bye!" He said with a weird smile then walked off.

What's with him??

I just shrugged and entered my house to find Sui standing in the door way with his arms crossed and glaring at me.

"Um...what's with YOU?" I asked and he scoffed at me.

"How many guys are you dating sis?"

I blinked a few times after hearing his question, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me y/n."

" know I'm dating Tsurugi."

"Well, come here and take a look." He pointed at his phone so I went up to him and read what was written on the screen...

"L/N Y/N is cheating on Tsurugi kyousuke with the new transfer student in her class. That bitch doesn't deserve him as her boyfriend. Watch out Tsurugi."

What the hell?

"Who the hell wrote this?" I asked Sui, while anger was filling me up.

"Some girl from your school department...but, is it true y/n?"

"Of course not! How could you even believe such a rumour?! I would never even think about cheating on Tsurugi!" I yelled at him and he sighed.

"Who is that new guy anyway?"

"He's just a transfer student that ended up in my class and is in the seat next to me! We don't even talk that much so how could that girl assume that I'm dating him?! How dare she write a lie like that on social media?!"

"Okay Okay I believe you but I think you should talk to Tsurugi first...he must've seen this so you better explain to him that it's a rumour."

Sui had a point...

I ran upstairs to my room and threw my bag on the floor. I got my phone out and searched for Tsurugi's number quickly.

I hope he believes me...



I dialled his number multiple times but each time it kept ringing and ringing without him picking up.

Now I'm worried...

Is he not picking up on purpose? Is he mad? Did he believe the rumour? I really hope not...

No! Tsurugi isn't the type to believe a stupid rumour without evidence...*sigh*

"C'mon Kyousuke...why aren't you picking up?"


AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now